10% Of serious allergies in the population Basque adult due to the intake of fish infected with Anisakis.

the 39TH week of humanistic activities of the Academy of medical sciences of Bilbao came to an end.

– continue diagnosing are both heavy by Anisakis as new cases of allergy

– multiple parasite affecting human being, until now not known another able to induce allergic reactions to large-scale

-allergic manifestations rely largely on dietary

Bilbao, February 2012.- 10% of serious allergies in the Basque adult population are due to the ingestion of fish infected by anisakid, some marine parasites that can cause from a simple box of gastroenteritis to an anaphylactic shock requiring treatment at UCI.

These data have been provided by Dr. Maria Teresa Audicana, service of Allergology of the University Hospital of Alava (Santiago), during the last of the papers of the week XXXIX of humanistic activities of the Academy of medical sciences of Bilbao, held last week in Bilbao.

In this regard, the specialist has highlighted that although the social alarm and new regulations have caused a decline in cases of acute heavy still diagnosed in our country both anisakidosis as new cases of allergy ”. Of multiple parasites that affect human being, until now not known another able to induce allergic reactions to large-scale ”, has been added.

In recent decades, the Anisakis has become one of the causes of allergy of usual study into batteries of tests carried out in the alergológicas consultations. Some allergic reactions that previously regarded as uncertain or unknown, origin currently have an etiological diagnosis clear and therefore patients may have information to prevent future reactions.

In this sense, the doctor has insisted that the population general, as consumers, should know the risks of eating raw or shortly cooked fish. Patients with suspected allergy should be studied by a specialist in Allergology ”.

Related allergic manifestations depend largely on dietary habits. Spanish and Basque institutions have led research in this field. However, only in recent years have joined other European countries and label the consideration of this issue in public health.

Standards for the prevention of the parasitación consist of avoid ingestion of fish or cephalopods that might contain living larvae. In general it is recommended to consume fish and cephalopods well cooked to one temperature of 60 ° C. If you are going to consume fish raw or smoked are must freeze previously fish at – 20 ° C for a minimum period of one to seven days.


In the year 2005 Basque food agency (ELIKA) prepared a document on the risk of infestation by Anisakis simplex for the population of the autonomous community of the Basque country.

In the year 2006, in Spain published a Royal Decree on prevention of parasitosis by Anisakis in fishery products supplied by establishments serving food to the final consumer or to local, doing a transposition of the existing European legislation since 1991.

In the year 2010, the European authority of food safety or European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) prepared a document on the security of the fish from fish farms with regard to allergic reactions to the Anisakis.