Miami (EE.(UU.), 25 nov (EFE).-A prisoner in the State of Florida (es.)(UU.) released nine days ahead of schedule, in reward for having lost eleven of the 156 kilograms weighed over a period of twenty days, according to published today by the newspaper The Orlando Sentinel.

Apparently Donna Miller, judge of the County Lake, Florida, committed itself to anticipate a day the release of George McCovery for every pound of weight (453 grams) that would lose.

McCovery, 37 years, had been sentenced to twenty-nine days in prison for driving with a permit that had been canceled and calculated that with his own effort could be freed in time to spend with his family the night of action thanks.

Man lost 25 pounds (11.3 kg) in twenty days due to the challenge posed by the judge. “It gave me the opportunity to prove myself and didn’t want to disappoint her,” explained McCovery the quoted daily.

Miller is known for their unusual sentences, in which has even called for convicted persons pointed to dance classes or to write Christmas congratulations. EFE