Washington, 8 sep (EFE).-A federal court of appeals in Virginia today rejected two petitions against the law of the United States health system reform.UU., but not commented on the validity of the legislation

The Court of appeals for the fourth Federal District ruled that the State of Virginia has no right to question the mandate of the Act, that requires all persons in United States to acquire a certain doctor.

The Court also noted that Liberty University, a conservative institution which had submitted another complaint, can not question the mandate contained in that act before the entry into force.

The United States health system reform was the biggest victory of President Barack Obama in 2009 and seeks to extend health insurance coverage to the entire population. There are currently nearly 50 million people who have no such protection.

Opinion is almost a month after the 11 Federal District Court of appeals invalidated the mandate in a lawsuit initiated by 26 States, and more than two months after the Sixth District Court of appeals ruling that the law is constitutional.

With his Republican opposition and conservative groups then managed to Obama to remove some crucial aspects of the initiative – the most comprehensive reform of the system of health care in half a century – and after that Congress approve a reform, conservatives initiated lawsuits in courts to cancel.

The main argument for conservatives is that the Federal Government has no constitutional authority to force individuals to purchase health insurance, and the States to compel residents to acquire it.

The process in the courts will continue in the coming months and is likely the dispute to the Supreme Court of justice the year next.

The flaw in Richmond today annulled the ruling of a federal judge had declared unconstitutional the law on health care, reform and is the second opinion by a Federal Appeals Court that gives a blow to the conservatives.

But, in that the Court is not today ruled on the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of the mandate which obliges acquire sure doctor, the judges left the legislation exposed to other challenges initiated way different.

Judgment, moreover, only affects the States covered by the Fourth Circuit: Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

The obligation to acquire health insurance will take effect in 2014. The law provides that individuals who do not buy will be fined.

In the image, the President of the United States.UU., Barack Obama (c), signed on March 23, 2010 in a ceremony in the East of the White House in Washington, D.C., United States room.UU., the health reform law. EFE/file