Advantages lymphatic drainage is a technical in the massage therapy that coordinates the physiotherapy with therapeutic massage techniques and whose purpose is to contribute to the proper disposal of fluids, greases, and other substances disposed of the body.

Can be either manual or digital, the latter is done by machines, and consists of pressures that simulate contractions of smooth muscles of the vessels. Among the main advantages of the drainages are:

cleanses your body of toxins by stimulating the immune system. – Prevents conditions to improve blood circulation. – Reduces the swelling of legs and rest of the body in those people who have a sedentary lifestyle. – achieves a improvement dermatological problems. – Helps edema reduction. – Relaja body and frees him from accumulated tension. – Relieves inflammations such as otitis, sinusitis and bronchitis – mitigates the tension muscle, and general provacando in your body a feeling of wellbeing generalized.

All this must be added that the benefits continue until 10 days after lymphatic, and still eliminating toxins and losing weight.

Tags: cellulite, lymphatic, retention liquid drainage