Us days of today, or desire to seem more beautiful and look presentable is not only more to justify aesthetic.


Very hair instead, GOOD physical Presentation is a good item optimisation of basic or individual in their personal and social life, in the labour market. Cercanía treatments already for public this comes more space, mainly hair interest of these people in increasingly conquering reached this lively.

And is demanding fundamental patient this, keep this aesthetic standard during a treatment. By his time, or orthodontic vestibular apparatus, as well as commit to aesthetics, still a child appearance, away from patients many dental offices denotes two pretense.

The aesthetic Orthodontics is presents with or aim to give a new chance, a real Option to more treatment resists conventional Orthodontics. Given this, is necessary to or meet professional technique, offering to its customers, options that you let enferujados, both with or end result, as with HIS appearance during or treatment.

The need by aesthetic apparatus began in 1969, when Newman brought an aesthetic bracket of polycarbonate, showing, so interest in first modify or standard of conventional orthodontic treatment, based on metallic device. Shortly after, with a stuffed office public high aesthetic exigency, Dr. Craven Kurz, jarate in one and models gives a decade of 1970, worked a collage of a conventional metallic vestibular apparatus, lingual surface Peel two teeth, kicking off Lingual Orthodontics technique.

Com close to 40 years of age, to Ortodontia Lingual he developed several methods of montagem e colagem two appliances, also denotes um avanco da technique. Além disso, we can cite or crescimento no estudo da Biomechanics do aparelho, giving by ter uma surface of entirely different colagem vestibular, after, with Yes, features especiais de tratamento orthodontic.

Em um um pouco depois do outbreaks period gives Ortodontia Lingual, jarate em da 1980’s surgiram I brackets ceramic, e trouxeram com Relação aos of polycarbonate large advantages. To vinda desses brackets veio surrounded two primeiros ensaios com os alinhadores invisiveis, com Mcnamara and collaborators, that propuseram movimentacoes through setup orthodontic, raising um aparelho termoplastificado about esse model, conseguindo – is dental effective movements.

Com quatro trabalho basic systems: setup (laboratory), setup (CAD-CAM), bolha system and system for elastic and botoes, you alinhadores invisiveis vem is making excellent uma ferramenta de trabalho no check das recurrences, mild e media apinhamentos ou diastemas, e até large discrepancies of spaces, giving opportunity to treatments for you patients than procuram uma Ortodontia brackets livre.

Os alinhadores developed from laboratory setup São os mais prawn, porém, of high movimentação fidelidade. As plates thermoformed em São um how serious or setup next top passo do tratamento.

The aligners developed from virtual setup (CADCAM) Are produced from scanning of arcades two patients, and all or virtualized and treatment. produced in computer, having sequence all a treatment, based on an only molding, facilitating and decreasing or manual laboratory work, beautiful a high power of precision.

There are other methods of work of aligners, named bubble, a space, and where system raised in the aligner and cambers Are made-up of sides contrary to this Space or objective of was or give to the position desired. This system by being simplified, gives a possibility to technical Pro without a big laboratory.

A fourth national Creation, or system Be-Flash method, using elastics, buttons and conventional orthodontic resources, which together with resins acrylic form dental capsules price movement. Work and rehabilitation dynamics based on methodology and functional two maxillary, Mauricio Vaz.

Is the aesthetic apparatus or invisible will be or future of Orthodontics, or is they are an evolution of orthodontic appliances, or only time will tell. One thing though, and fact and notorious: whom to Orthodontics invisible came to be, and is keeping the science, grows every day, with Strength, both in concepts, like in quality of treatments offered.

Ja or patient, that before was, by ignorance, re-oil a new treatment, today, buy the good results, has no View of shaping this guarantor treatment you an answer to your needs.

Aesthetic formed in dentistry from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC-EC). Specialist in orthodontics by Universidade do Vale do Acaraú (UVA-EC). POS-graduate by Charles Tweed Foundation (Arizona-USA). Statutory hairs Invisalign, Clear Aligner systems, Essix Clear Aligner, Be-Flash and Art Aligner. Professor gives specialization in orthodontics from the Universidade do Vale do Acaraú (UVA-EC). Professor and organizer of the training in clinical Orthodontics invisible (Ceará and Piauí)