A new research of the human brain

found that its cells could help cure mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. This research will help develop a new treatment against the disease.

neurons are more abundant in brain cells, but they are also the astrocytes, with these researchers could develop therapies for diseases of memory.

astrocytes are cells that are responsible for the processing and storage of information in our brain, and researchers have found that they can help in a treatment to cure Alzheimer’s disease.

Alfonso Araque, senior scientist of this the Cajal Institute of the Council Superior of research scientific research stated that until now it was believed that astrocytes only fulfilled a role of support in the brain ”.

But with the various investigations that have made realized that astrocytes are equally important than neurons in the Indo-Aryan processes and memory capacity. The results were published in the journal Plos Biology.

These discoveries can help resolve the terrible disease of Alzheimer’s and offer alternatives on treatments, as well as also help prevent factors that cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Recent research also proposed a new treatment against this disease, it is of the Bexaroteno a new medicine that reverses symptoms of Alzheimer’s. This medicine is used to prevent certain types of cancer, but found that it also helps in the mental processes and memory.

Must carry a good diet and try to take certain vitamins that are good for the brain, but above all keep active physically and mentally, to prevent this terrible disease.