At Christmas people with diabetes can keep sugar limits recommended if they learn to Exchange food correctly ”.

-diabetics can enjoy Christmas meals smoothly if they exchange a type of carbohydrate consumption on the other

-physical exercise helps to reduce problems associated with excess weight as cardiovascular risk, diabetes and other metabolic diseases

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2011-December chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension are overweight, situation that should be controlled throughout the year and especially at this time that we committed many excesses as a factor in triggering and aggravating at meals ”. So Dr. Iñigo Sáinz, doctor’s family and an expert on nutrition of the unit for promotion of health of the clinic USP the hope has been confirmed. For Dr. Sáinz learn to Exchange food properly can be the right formula to enjoy the holidays without gaining weight, which will help to people with diabetes to keep your sugar level in the recommended limits ”.

The exchange of food consists of changing food from a group by others of the same group. For people with diabetes, the key is to exchange a type of carbohydrate consumption on the other. For example, if in a Christmas meal there will be sweet desserts, should remove the bread or other carbohydrates (rice, pasta, vegetable, potatoes, etc.) in the same meal to ensure that the level of blood sugar is not excessive ”.

Dr. Sáinz points out that although we must eat sparingly and with some control, this does not mean that a person with diabetes can not enjoy Christmas meals. With alcohol would. If we want to drink a bit of champagne we must reduce other sources of carbohydrates in the same meal. Always been told diabetics that they could not eat bread, rice or sweet, but the reality is that they can eat anything – with moderation – if they exchange these foods by others to keep their sugar in appropriate limits ”, holds the doctor of USP La Esperanza.

According to the health promotion unit nutritionist, these recommendations are useful for anyone: all consume an excess of protein and fat and we were short on fruits and vegetables, especially at this time. We need to exchange with other proteins and a type of fat on the other ”. It also adds that physical exercise is an important part of the strategy to maintain your weight in check. Is much easier to control your weight if you are active. In addition, any physical activity helps to reduce problems associated with excess weight as cardiovascular risk, diabetes and other metabolic diseases more effectively that only reducing what we eat ”.

Food group

Dr. Sáinz recalls that foodstuffs are distributed into 6 groups and advises what should be their consumption, especially on these dates:

-dairy: milk, yoghurt and fresh cheese (preferably in their skin releases).

-vegetables: is not necessary to control them. The more better.

-fruits: diabetics should monitor excessive consumption. Better fruit than candy.

-protein: meat, fish, sausages, cheese and nuts. With moderation.

-carbohydrates: bread, pasta, rice, legumes, potatoes every day in the right amount and all sweets (pastries, chocolate, sugar, etc.) once in a while.

-added fats: oils, creams, butter, and mayonnaise. Monitor.

On the USP hospital group

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. USP hospital now boasts a network of 12 hospitals and 23 health centres which assist 4,000 doctors that attend each year more than two million patients. In addition, at the beginning of 2012 it is expected that enters into operation a new Hospital USP La Bahía in the Campo de Gibraltar.