a recent study published in the medical journal Archives of General Psychiatry revealed that food can be as addictive as hard drugs. Pay attention to these symptoms.

1. Think all the time about food
If thinking what to eat or worry so going to eat then you being prevented from working or interact socially, may be that you’re having a problem.

2. Want to stop eating in amount and not achieve it
If you programaste a diet and not you can comply with it. And then what you came to try to either turned out and, instead, what happens is that each time you comés more and more, it is time to consult with a specialist.

3. Eat in secret
eat in secret or lie about what it has eaten is a symptom characteristic of addicted persons. Relates to feelings of guilt and shame, both signs of eating disorders.

4. Eat more
eat too much during Christmas is normal, but if you always go beyond your point of satiety, we are talking about eating binges. If in these cases, you use laxatives or you purgas, should seek professional help.

5. Eat to plug the anguish

If you are looking for foods high in fat or sugar when you feel alone, bored, stressed or anxious, may be sign of addiction to food. Your body is using chemical substances in foodstuffs to increase the levels of these substances in the brain.

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