On April 13, we will celebrate the world day of kiss. The kiss represents a very pleasant attitude, able to symbolize some of the most special moments of our lives.


An affectionate Kiss, arouses reactions throughout the body. Only on the face, 29 muscles are placed in activity. Not to mention the release of positive substances by the body – such as endorphins, associated with the well – be generated by this vibrant

physical activity.

Although we approach the virtues of Kiss, don’t forget the possible drawbacks associated with such “intimate exchange between people”. Accordingly, nothing is more unpleasant than kissing, or be kissed, by someone with bad breath


This unpleasant occurrence already undermined many relationships and committed the image and self-esteem of many

interesting people.

to know more about this topic, can help break some old paradigms that cooperate for the spread of an outdated belief – that alert someone about the problem is a cause of embarrassment to anyone who tells you much more than for whom is


the Brazilian Association of Research of the odors of mouth – ABPO points to the existence of more than 50 distinct causes of this symptom unpleasant, including oral reasons, medical, nutritional and


Nevertheless, scientific studies suggest that each 9:0 pm 10 cases of bad-breath, resulting from problems of oral cavity – especially by the fault of the teeth, gums and mouth tissues devoid of care


the halitosis may be physiological (morning breath, motivated by prolonged fasting or arising from specific power – the case of garlic). In General, in these cases, regresses with simple basic attitudes taken – as the nutritional balance and hydration buccal, besides the practice of regular oral hygiene


the main causes for the bad-breath are: – the poor hygiene of the mouth, which leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque and Tartar on teeth and gums – generating greater risk of tooth decay and


other important issues, to an outbreak of bad-breath, refer to the accumulation of waste not removed on the tongue (lingual saburra) or amídalas (cáseos), the low saliva production (hipossalivação), and the existence of prostheses or poorly adapted


among the general health problems, which can contribute to bad breath, stand out of the Airways (case of adenoidites, rhinitis, sinusitis), stress and other systemic reasons, including diabetes, kidney problems, liver damage, severe constipation and other


overuse of medications, smoking, drugs, alcohol and the misuse of alcohol in mouthwash solutions with – composition are factors that can compromise the


Valley noted that issues related to the stomach rarely interfere in breath condition changed. The fact is that the imagery of people was, for a long time, powered by this belief without a set of plausible scientific evidence for embasá-la


the halitosis is a problem that does not discriminate color, sex or social status. Daily oral care and routine visits to dental practice are the most important tools in combating this evil. It is up to the surgeon-dentist (and other health professionals), spreading this information to your patients


to get the most out of your kisses and intensify their relationships at any level, here are some valuable tips:

  • Brush your teeth (up to three times a day) with qualified brushes filled with soft bristles, or extra-macias, distributed in a cut of the same height and positioned in a compatible size head with its mouth. The amount of toothpaste should not exceed half the length of the brush head
  • .

  • use the FLOSS (up to two times a day). Be sure to consult your dentist to find out about the indications and advantages of the use of brushes teeth. In many situations they exhibit superiority with regard to oral bacteria removal of spaces between teeth, when compared to the isolated use of dental floss. 
  • lingual cleaners (at least once a day), serves as a valuable add-on for hygiene of mouth
  • .

  • Mouthwash should be prescribed – when necessary – by dental surgeons and not chosen randomly in gondolas markets
  • and pharmacies.

  • same as devoid of discomforts, visit the dentist at least every 6 months
  • .

This is the best project that I know to whom you want to shine on the world day of the Kiss, in relationships and in terms of quality of life!

> Bad/Dr. Rodrigo Guerreiro Bueno de Moraes/ > Surgeon-dentist. Master’s degree in Dentistry from the University of São Paulo. Member of the Brazilian society of Periodontology and the American Academy of Periodontology. Technical consultant TePe. />