Ceuta INGESA directive meets with the personnel board to discuss the issues concerning workers in the area

Ceuta, April 2012.- during the morning of Friday, 20 April, was the first meeting between the directive of INGESA of Ceuta and the personnel board, convened by the current manager of the Ceuta INGESA health careManuel head. In this encounter occurred in the Auditorium of the University Hospital of Ceuta and that it lasted for more than three hours of duration and an atmosphere of total cordiality, multitude of outstanding issues on the proposal were discussed by both parties. On the one hand, the members of the Board of delegates and staff of staff of each trade union section; other health care Manager, accompanied by the Territorial Director of INGESA of Ceuta, Fernando Pérez-Padilla; the Director of management and general services of the health area of Ceuta, Rafael Díaz-nag; as well as responsible for personnel and legal consultancy.

A través de esta reunión, los representantes sindicales han sido informados de los temas planteados en el orden del día, así como sobre las inquietudes que cada central ha querido plantear. During his speech, the Manager has advanced that this type of meetings will be made regularly, intending to inform and try to reach a consensus on views with representatives of the workers in far-reaching issues which may affect them.