Fitness. before anything, do you know that it is an isotonic drink? by definition, a drink isotonic has the same concentration of sales-minerales and sugars (6-8%) our body, which facilitates their absorption and in theory the recovery after exercise, to avoid dehydration of the muscle. This is theory, but practice may quite leks, let’s look at why this.

Our muscle can survival ” without resist at all and only hydrating water-based if you make an hour of exercise. There is no resentment as insofar as the exercise is moderate, is practised at a normal or usual temperature and not let one hour. But if we move from one it is compulsory to take sports drinks? No, actually no, it can be helpful, but the possibility of suffering a Hypoglycemia is low, as long as soon as you practiquéis not exercise under a scorching sun. then do advantage? When we do exercise we lose irretrievably a quantity of water and minerals, losing that necessary Ionic balance. Quiet, it is not anything serious, our body recovers quickly from this, but that happens at metabolic level? losing water increases the Ionic concentration, and in case of taking water (not enriched in minerals or sugar) rather than match ” concentrations, say that stole ” ions (i.e. salts and minerals) to the muscle.

If we are somewhat dehydrated it may cause some cramping, which further hamper the recovery of muscle. For this reason that is so important to take glucose with these drinks, making exercise for more than one hour levels of glycogen (sugar consuming muscle) are nowhere, which prevents muscle recovers.

That drink is recommended? here is a link to the magazine EROSKI-CONSUMER detailing the results of a comparative study of these beverages.

Tags: water, isotonic drinks, Fitness