healthy eating is very important for the Agency and we will not tire of repeating it. But if we believe that our body is only which benefited from a good diet, we are very wrong.There are foods that activate the mind and make it pay to top, and which are essential to maintain intact the capacity for concentration.

This type of food is important at any age, but especially in intense periods of study or work, and in stages as the menopause in women or the andropenia in men, during which begins to lose part of the capacity to concentrate of the brain.

a diet healthy for the mind must have sufficient supply of minerals;calcium is a transmitter imperative of nerve impulses to the brain, while iron influence brain performance and zinc activated by neurotransmitters.

Glucose is the food ” fundamental brain; maintain a correct level in the blood is essential for the activity of this body. Can be found in complex carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes …) and in the fruit and the sugars.

Vitamins of Group B are also good allies of the brain and the nervous system. B úscalas in fish, nuts, whole grains, meats and cheeses.The fatty acids must not miss that our heads yield one hundred percent, and are present above all in the oil seeds, sprouts of avocado, soy, cereals and fruits dry.

Finally, we can not overlook the phospholipids or molecules of the memory.Its presence improves the humor in general (which so lacking makes us …) and protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease feared; them can be found in entrails as the liver and the yolk of the egg.

Source / magazine prevent.

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Tags: healthy food, Brain Science, healthy mind