Functions of the dental hygienist in dental consultation

In recent years, the dental hygienist has become a common and often indispensable member within our dental consultations. The dental hygienist is an Assistant to assist the dentist in certain delegated functions, which have a minimum possibility of producing adverse effects. Law 10/1986 of March 17 on dentists and other professionals related to dental health, developed by Royal Decree 1594 / July 15, 1994 defines the dental hygienists as those professionals, which with the corresponding title of professional training of second degree, are attributed, in the field of the promotion of health and oral health educationthe functions of data collection, health examinations and the Council of hygiene and preventive, individual or collective measures. Dental hygienists also collaborate on epidemiological studies and may also perform certain functions técnico-asistenciales as assistants and collaborators of the optional doctors and dentists.

Therefore, in collaboration with the dentist, can perform dental, technical exploration techniques of oral hygiene, perform disinfection and sterilization of instruments, and learn about the processing and interpretation of x-rays.

The dentist is the head of the patient’s treatment. To carry out this responsibility, may delegate to the auxiliary staff certain functions for which such personnel should have been adequately trained. Delegate certain functions, which in turn will be properly supervised, allows the dentist care capacity, maintaining their level of quality. The ultimate responsibility belongs always to the dentist and always falls on the same ultimate responsibility to determine, based on their diagnosis, the specific treatment that patients should receive and what aspect of it will be delegated to qualified personnel. The degree of supervision required varies with the nature of the procedure to make, and the medical and dental history of each case.

Supervision may refer to:

Direct supervision: means that the dentist is in the consultation, personally diagnosed the problem to solve, authorizes the procedure to carry out and stays in the consultation while the procedure is carried out by the hygienist, valuing the work done before leaving the patient.

Indirect supervision: is the same as the above with the difference the condition to treat was diagnosed at the time and evaluated at some point later the work done.

Personal supervision means that the dentist personally works with the patient and authorizes the hygienist to complement his work by doing any procedure at the same time.

The dentist assumes the supervision of dental hygienist, the supervision of the work of the same reduces the quality of dental service and may increase the risk for the patient. For this reason, the hygienist shall work exclusively under direct or indirect personal supervision of the dentist, which is responsible for professional and legally work.

In all cases it is essential that the dentist has revised the history medical and dental patient, having examined, diagnosed the problem is to treat and have raised a treatment plan prior to performing any work delegated to the hygienist. In any case, where some kind of dental treatment is made, the dentist must be present in the query while the hygienist works and evaluate the results of the work done.

Therefore, and according to the law above quoted, hygienists may perform the following activities in the dental consultation in the field care technician:

a. To apply topical fluorides in their various forms
b. Place and remove threads retractors
c. Placing sealants of fissures with non-invasive techniques
d. Perform grinding of seals by removing any excess in the same
e. Place and remove the rubber dam
f. Eliminate calculations and dental stains and make detartrajes and polished.

In the field of public health, dental hygienists may develop the following functions:

a. To collect data about the State of the oral cavity for epidemiological or clinical use.
b. Practice of individual or collective health education, instructing on hygiene Buco and dietetic control measures for the prevention of pathological processes buco-dentales.
c. Control prevention measures made by patients
d. Tests of health community Buco

Dental hygienists will develop functions referred to as assistants and collaborators of the optional doctors and dentists, excluding its functions the prescription of prosthesis or treatments, dosage of medications, the extension of recipes, the application of anesthetics and the realization of operative or restorative procedures.

In the everyday practice of Periodontics clinic exclusive, the work of the hygienist is fundamental taking into account that the control of plaque is a key point in the success of periodontal treatments, which is why its task of motivation and education of the different techniques of plate individually control is essential.

Another important function of the hygienists in periodontics clinic would be the periodontal x-ray series, the application of topical fluoride and his work as instrumentalist in periodontal surgery both surgeries of placement of implants. But, from our point of view, the most important aspect is without a doubt, their participation in periodontal therapy support or periodontal maintenance phase. In this phase of treatment, is essential to maintain the motivation of the patient, continue customizing Buco hygiene techniques carried out by him, as well as carry out regular prophylaxis and removal of supragingival calculus and stains.