IVI experts recommend to avoid multiple pregnancies by complications that lead.

the goal is that the reproductive medicine resembles natural conception, with a pregnancy only.

-twin gestation is 30% in pregnancies by assisted reproduction and 2% in the spontaneous

-El Embryoscope, vitrification and metabolomics, keys to select the best embryo

Valencia, 2011-August Spain, 1 in 6 couples at childbearing age wants to have children and cannot, so it goes to a fertility clinic, where the multiple pregnancy rate is 30% from 1-2% of gemelares pregnancies achieved naturally.

After a while trying to achieve pregnancy without success, the majority of patients get a little tired and desanimadas In Vitro fertilization (IVF) for which you do not want to or hear a single embryo transfer want say them two to increase the chances of success and even makes them illusion having twins ”, says Dr. Antonio Requena, medical director of the IVI group.

Many couples are multiple pregnancy as a desired situation, unaware of the danger involved, both for the mother and the newborn. The main problem is the preterm delivery, i.e. before 37 weeks, circumstance that occurs in more than half of such deliveries and that can cause problems of psychomotor development, especially in the large preterm (less than 1,000 grams weight).

In addition, in the medical community are widely known aspects associated with a multiple pregnancy for the mother: threat of premature birth may require rest and even hospitalisation, the need for caesarean section is much more frequent and everything linked to increased complicationssuch as hypertension, polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid), and gestational diabetes, among others.

These are some of the reasons that lead to the specialists of IVI to aim at a healthy son through a single embryo transfer, thus reducing chances of multiple gestation. As claims Dr. Requena, this practice does not diminish the chances of pregnancy, especially when it comes to women under 35 years old and with a good prognosis ”.

This is the case of Carlos and Paola that, after several miscarriages and diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome, went to the clinic IVI where underwent in Vitro Fertilization with two embryo transfer. After a year of attempts without managing the baby came the concern and frustration, and as I wanted to be a mother I took the risk, despite being informed in IVI’s possible complications entailing a gestation of such ”. Alessandro and Flavio are now a year and his mother recalls that was indeed difficult problems that warned me that it could have and indeed had a pregnancy and birth ”.

The current reproductive medicine aims to achieve a healthy child at home, and not two, that is why every effort in the European medical scene routed to humanize the assisted reproduction resembling natural conception. Trying to avoid the twin gestation improving techniques to select the best embryo: explore every second of embryo development with the help of the embryoscope (the first film incubator), vitrification of gametes and embryos, and the embryo metabolomic analysis, they are the key to succeed ”, said Antonio Requena.

About IVI

The Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad was founded in 1990 as the first medical institution in Spain entirely specialized in human reproduction. Currently, 20 clinics in eight countries of the world, and is regarded as the leading European institution in reproductive medicine.