(www.neomundo.com.ar) exercise during pregnancy benefits baby for a long time, since women who practice sport to strengthen the heart of your baby during the gestation period and even after the birth, concluded a new investigation.

“Regular aerobic exercise improves the system that controls the heart function, which in turn benefits to the cardiovascular system and overall health.” “Maternal physical activity helps improve and maintain their own health, and gives the opportunity for their children to have a healthier start in life,” said Linda May, of the University of Kansas City (United States).

Health to the heart

to arrive at these conclusions, the researchers worked with 61 pregnant women. During pregnancy and after childbirth they closely monitored the health of mothers and the baby. At the same time, they analyzed the level and frequency of physical activity that carried out each one of them, from walking or doing yoga to jogging.

In a previous study May found that pregnant women who exercise at least 30 minutes three times per week to have babies with heart rates lower in the final weeks of development. Lower heart rate is a sign of good health of the heart.

In this new specialist research discovered that this sign of heart health is even better for at least one month after the birth of the baby. For that reason, the authors concluded that the positive effect of physical exercise has lasting effects on the health of children.

“I hope that this study shows that efforts to improve health must begin during pregnancy than in childhood.” “Today the focus is on the kids at school age, but interventions should begin much earlier,” said May.

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