
many women have complained that arriving at the menopause begin to forget small details of daily life, these symptoms were signs for a study at the University of Rochester.


study indicates that these problems exist and become more apparent in women in the first year after your last period menstrual ” noted the Neuropsychologist Miriam Weber responsible for the research.

in the study were divided to 117 women in 3 different of menopause, the pre-menopause stage: when beginning to see changes in your period, the early stage: begin when symptoms such as the sofoconoes and depression, and postmenopause.

results indicators noted that in the postmenopausal women have greater cognitive as verbal memory, motor skills and learning difficulties verbal.

another data found in the research published by the journal Menopause, is that symptoms such as trouble sleeping, anxiety and depression have nothing to do with the problems of memory.

these conclusions indicate that during the transitional period cognitive impairment is a separate process rather than a consequence of the loss of sleep or depression , added Weber.

much has been attributed these problems to the female hormone estrogen and the fact that during the menopause its levels change constantly. in the study did not find any link with some cognitive function but not discarded it.

is very frustrating going through these symptoms, but have to take into account that it is completely normal which already pass.