Muay thai is a sport that originated in Thailand being physical activity most practiced in this country. It is not only a sport but it is part of their culture and history. It is a martial art combining various techniques of other sports like kickboxing, Western boxing, Muay Boran contact. Muay Tha i used the body as a weapon of self defense, especially in the legs, hands, elbows, knees, feet and faucets to fight.  You should practice on a regular basis and requires a very hard training in order to develop and harden the joints and muscles of the body in order to apply techniques from shock and blockades.

kicks and blow are powerful, fighters used bounded hands and gloves box, fight barefoot with the feet also blindfolded using buccal and groin protectors.  Muay thai is a very complete sport since are working all the muscles, strength and resistance, elasticity. It is effective for weight loss or to learn how to defend themselves.  Competencies are developed in a similar to the boxing ring. The fights are quite violent by what is an intense show and it is considered an extreme sport.  Although it may seem difficult to understand this sport has a major component of spirituality and mental concentration to achieve maximum performance in combat. Before you start the fights is performed a ritual to ward off evil spirits according to tradition and have a good connection with their teachers.

The sport is generally more practised by men in Thailand that for females, but a little will be encouraging fighters to the practice of this discipline even though they have less space and popularity. There are many ways to define the Muay Thai as art, sport, wild spectacle, philosophy or way of life depending on who calls.  It requires much discipline, training daily in addition to developing a great mental capacity to withstand powerful blows and pain that suffers and strong. Are true warriors Muay Thai practitioners that achieve using his body and turn it into a lethal weapon in addition to great mental strength and spiritual