Multiple sclerosis, after road traffic accidents, is the cause of most common disabilities among young Spaniards.

December 18: day national of the sclerosis multiple.

-the recent emergence of a new oral treatment and new drugs to tackle the symptoms, improve treatment and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis

-En Spain, affects multiple sclerosis to 46,000 people and, each year, more than 1,800 new cases are detected, according to data from the Spanish Neurology Society (SEN)

Spain, 2011-December in Spain, according to recent data submitted during the celebration of the last meeting annual of the society Spanish of Neurology (SEN), suffering from multiple sclerosis about 46,000 peoplenew cases are detected each year 1,800 and it is still, after road traffic accidents, the second cause of most common disability among young people and the first occurrence disability.

December 18, the day dedicated to this chronic, progressive disease in our country and for which there is no cure. Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common neurological diseases among young adults, mostly aged between 20 and 40 years, and is more common in women with a 2: 1 ratio. However, it appears that its incidence and prevalence is increasing, and but they have also increased the methods and effectiveness to diagnose disease, to increase cases, increases share in all the countries in which has been studied ”, explains the DRA. Celia ear – Guevara, Coordinator of the Group of study of diseases demyelinating the society Spanish of Neurology (SEN).

Visual disorders and loss of sensation in the extremities are usually the first symptoms of this disease which can also include urinary tract disorders, tingling, loss of strength and cognitive disorders.

Although in the last two decades there have been many advances in knowledge and treatment, there is still no cause known or that can be attributed directly to multiple sclerosis, although there are three hypotheses on the matter. On the one hand hygiene: a minor contact with infectious agents promotes autoimmune diseases; on the other hand the vitamin D: various studies show that in countries where there is more sun, and therefore more vitamin D, there is less chance of having multiple sclerosis; and, finally, genetics because although this disease is not hereditary, there are genetic variations that increase the risk of developing this disease. For that reason, is very important to further deepen the study of environmental factors, such as vitamin D, Epstein-Barr virus and ultraviolet radiation to know its origin, as well as potential biomarkers of response, evolution and disease diagnostic ”, ensures the DRA. Celia Oreja-Guevara.

This year there has been a qualitative step in prevent and delay the relapse of the disease, with the emergence of a new oral treatment that will offer patients a better quality of life. Found this new treatment reduces the number of outbreaks in more than 50%. In addition, increases the adherence to it thanks to the comfort of the oral decision as so far all the existing treatments were injecting and enhances the quality of life of patients ”, says Dr. Celia Oreja-Guevara.

As well as with the emergence of two new symptomatic treatments. One of them reduces spasticity in patients by 30% and is already approved in Spain, England, Germany and Canada. The other, but not yet sold in Spain, but yes in United States and Germany, improves walking around 30% ”, ensures the DRA. Celia Oreja-Guevara.

But in addition, it is expected that in the coming years, be adopted more treatments that will make it possible to improve the quality of life of patients as well as give them a more personalised treatment. Against this background, detection and early treatment are the best weapons with which we have at present to combat the effects of this disease ”, maintains the DRA. Celia Oreja-Guevara.