from the fifteen days of pregnancy (which means that they can be a good warning to those who do not know that they are) often appears the first nausea. It is not always the case, but women who have suffered know annoying and unpleasant that may be.

Eliminate them altogether is a matter of time, since it is normal that disappear to the third month;but to reach it, there are some tricks that can help you cope with them.

the lemon is an effective remedy known from yesteryear. You can take advantage of their properties by adding a rodajita of lemon to a cup of hot water, or simply prepare a glass of juice of lemon lowered with water. Sometimes simply c hupar directly a slice of this citric acid to control nausea.

The Ginger is also an effective calming in these cases.Cookies or breakfast ginger Marmalade will help eliminate the nausea of the morning, and infusions of root of ginger with a little honey.

Cola drinks come in your help!But not you drink them a drink, but to SIPs and with a dessert spoon. The cola without caffeine is recommended, and if remove gas removing it before taking it, better still.

If you are greedy and nausea after eating, takes and takes as a appetizer ” a teaspoon of condensed milk, licking her slowly. Later, he left that they within ten minutes and takes two tablespoons of soft drink. Wait another ten minutes before eating.

Image / Alessandrogiraldi.

Tags: care pregnancy, pregnancy nausea remedies groggy