Women who have oily skin require certain actions to show off a face without shine, smooth and clean. The excessive fatty generates an off aspect, the skin has a thicker texture, blackheads and dilated pores.  There are various causes that can generate the cleanser on the face such as hormonal issues, stress, type of food, among others.  But it can be controlled with an adequate treatment routine. You can use the peroxide benzilo, aluminum chloride, glycolic acid are substances appropriate to Unclog pores and achieve that face look clean.

also helps to reduce a little production of cleanser. You can buy without prescription and are useful to remove dead skin cells and prevent the emergence of blackheads and acne. Pure jojoba oil is also effective to clean and remove the fat. It is recommended to wash the face only in the morning every day with specific SOAP for oily skin.  If we need to wash during the only day we must do it with water, before makeup we must cleanse ourselves with wet wipes or paper tisue and choose base and other make-up that do not have oil.  We can then use a non-oily moisturizer and it for sensitive skin.  Once or twice a week can be exfoliation to thoroughly cleanse the face and then continue with the rest of the process.

Not it is possible to completely eliminate the oily skin but with patience can control it and wear a clean, healthy and radiant face. We must prove that treatments and products give us better results.  The key is be persevering and daily perform cleansing, moisturizing and weekly exfoliation.  If we have the option of going to a beauty center where there are masks and specific for this type of skin treatments. Routine care of the face for this type of skin may be a bit tedious but the long-term results worth.  You can achieve a radiant and clean face but we must do a little when we have oily skin.