The by Papacárie ® gel is designed to effectively treat dentin. The product eliminates the use of anesthesia and any technological equipment, provided the total comfort of the patient during treatment of caries.


interview with Dra. Sandra Kalil Bussadori presents more details on theme, showing how this form of care is being well accepted in Brazil and other countries.

by: Vanessa Navarro

Catalyst Magazine -what is and how did the product 100% by Papacárie ® gel – Brazilian?/Sandra > -the Kalil Bussadori by Papacárie ® gel is a product, in the form of gel, composed basically by papain, toluidine blue and chloramine. The combination of these three elements of the formula provides a safe removal of decayed tissue, with local anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. The dentin treated chemically and mechanically becomes friable and is easily removed by means of manual instruments with curettage without cutting, thus avoiding the use of sophisticated equipment and micromotor. The product came after a casual conversation with my mother, Mrs. Linda, nutritionist. She told me that the papain which softened the meat. From this arose the idea and started to search the substance together with the pharmaceutical Márcia Miziara. Three years later, it was the final formula by Papacárie ® gel gel, which was approved by the national health surveillance agency (Anvisa) and released in 2003.

Catalyst Magazine- what are the advantages of the method?/ > Sandra Kalil Bussadori- the method of chemical and mechanical caries removal of exemption, in the vast majority of the time, the use of engine and anesthesia. Thus, makes the quick caries removal procedure and more comfortable. In addition, preserves better sound tissues of tooth, a trend of dentistry today. The method of scrape only the infected tissue decay by preserves more healthy tissue underlying, since he is not hit by the gel. With the drill, this control cannot be done, and always healthy dentin is removed along with the necrosado tissue


Catalyst Magazine the procedure has a higher or lower cost compared to traditional methods?/Sandra > – Bussadori Kalil method itself ends up having the value very close to the traditional treatment with broca, but if we take into consideration the whole process, the absence of anesthesia, absolute isolation and lower risk of pulp exposure by Papacárie ® gel, treatment with ends up being much cheaper and fasterboth in public service as in


РMagazine Catalyst Such procedure is already used by dental health professionals?/Sandra > РYes, Bussadori Kalil and lot. It is used in other clinics and dental surgeons in universities, such as UNINOVE, UMC, UBC, UNIMES, among others. It is also used in public service in cities such as Ṣo Bernardo do Campo, Saints, Mogi das Cruzes, Niquel̢ndia; and in other countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Chile,

among others.

Catalyst Magazine- what is required by Papacárie ® gel becomes a normal solution in the dental market?/Sandra > – the by Papacárie ® gel Bussadori Kalil, today, it is well accepted by dental surgeons, especially among those who are entered in the philosophy of minimum intervention and preservation of sound structures. Some professionals still resist not to follow this philosophy. The preservation of sound structures of the tooth is the most modern in dentistry, and is based on scientific evidence demonstrating the success of the same


Catalyst Magazine about the research carried out by Papacárie ® gel is patented. What are the advantages of that record? /Sandra > the product – Bussadori Kalil is patented both nationally and internationally. The formula is protected by law, because it was drawn up very carefully, after extensive research demonstrating their effectiveness. The advantage d and research be patented is the surgeon-dentist can be sure that you are using a quality material, which has scientific proof and that was manufactured within the parameters required by ANVISA. A formula “generic”, and does not comply with the law of the patent, has no scientific support, not passed by the required tests, and we cannot make

their effectiveness.

Catalyst Magazine Recently released a new product line, the Duo by Papacárie ® gel. What are the features and benefits presented by such a product in relation to previous version? /Sandra > – after more Bussadori Kalil three years of research, we launched the PapacárieDuo, registered and approved at ANVISA. The product has this name because, fundamentally, presents two advantages. The first is that the gel to have its effective action do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, which will make it much easier to use in remote locations where it is not possible your cooling (remembering that any dental material should not be exposed to the Sun). The other advantage is the time of validity that doubled, i.e. are now two years of validity. Another important point to consider is the consistency that has been modified, showing more viscosity, so there is less waste and the gel is more located in the



Sandra Kalil Bussadori/Master > in dental materials – FOUSP. PhD in Pediatric – FOUSP. Postgraduate Doctor in Sciences – UNIFESP/EPM. Professor of the masters course in Rehabilitation Sciences – UNINOVE. />