There are many myths about how it should be a relationship, many people choose to believe despite the fact that they are completely false and unfounded.

So that the couples have a better coexistence and harmony, is important to refute these false beliefs that people tend to have about the courtship. according to research made on the couple’s life has carried out, most of the beliefs we have about dating are based on false things that have taken root generation after generation.

Below a list of 8 things that many people consider that they are normal in relationships, but are actually myths; courtesy of MNN.

  • Myth: A good relationship is easy to carry. This is false, because according to the psychologist Lisa Blum, stronger relationships are those in which has invested les more time and effort by two persons; affirms that the society and the way in which educates the majority of the people, promotes the stereotype that good relations do not require effort, which is far removed from reality: a relationship is like a beautiful garden: you must invest time, sweat and effort in order to enjoy a satisfactory outcome.
  • Myth: If a couple wants to much, must know perfectly their tastes and needs. Another belief that has been proven as it false; Despite the fact that the media have promoted that couples ‘ perfect ’ they are able to understand his companion with just a look or a gesture, is not always possible; something important to do in a serious relationship is to have the courage to express what is in the head, without the hope that the other person understands without words most of the time.
  • Myth: If you’re really in love, the passion will never disappear. The passion, as well as most of the feelings, is something relative; not because it disappears the spark and the desire, it means that the relationship is in trouble. The monotony and exhaustion are some of the factors that most often affect; It is important to keep the flame lit but that is the responsibility of the two people in a relationship; for when you feel that there are problems in the relationship, rather than flee to easier output, what to do something about.
  • Myth: children help you strengthen relationships. As you increase the number of people in the home, is more complicated that there is more time and communication in couples, especially when you already have problems dragging since before of parenting; It is important that the relationship is smooth and there is no crisis when they plan to have children, because otherwise, it is likely that most serious problems arise.
  • Myth: jealousy is a sign of being truly in love. Probably this have already been said and disclosed many times, but jealousy are actually nothing more than a fairly dormant hint of insecurity toward the couple and yourself with respect to the relationship; one can not change the security which has a person with regard to oneself, for what before thinking it things unrealistic and absurd, the best is express fear quietly (sometimes jealousy which really originate infidelities, as an escape to reality).
  • Myth: fights ruin relationships. Conversely, occasional fights help enough to go afloat inner demons and downloading strains that can have on the environment, thus contributing to the rest of the relationship go with greater fluidity. Clear that it is important that these fights are completed in a civilized manner without offending your partner and that the communication is not cut by disagreements
  • Myth: a relationship is to be successful, it is necessary that the other person will change. Unless you talk about very extreme extreme infidelity or addiction, couples therapy and psychology experts say that if a relationship change for good, it must be something that arises between two people and not just one of them.
  • Myth: should not go to marital therapy, unless it is something quite serious. It is advisable attending therapy couple as a preventive measure; most people seek therapy when (usually) there is no much to do by repairing the relationship, but the best thing is to do it before that happens, to make things that deal with say before exploit.

What do think of the myths that have been disproved? Personally, many things are quite logical and in my opinion, the best key to prevent problems between couples is good communication.