A France study showed that women aged between 20 and 30 years are more prone to develop stress, especially if they are workers with many pressures.

Acne not only attacking adolescent girls, because it has been shown that adult women with stress also tend to have problems with this skin disease. stress promotes the segregation of male hormones by the adrenal glands and with this the brain generates more oil in the body, which blocks the pores and why acne arises.

To be women who suffer more with hormonal problems and your body is not accustomed to the segregation of male hormones, reflected more the havoc caused by the stress on your skin, and is why the female acne cases has increased dramatically in several parts of the world and thus increase women’s self-esteem problems.

Unlike teenage acne, skin problems in adult women tend to manifest itself with eruptions ‘ buried ’ and deeper in the skin, with greater difficulty be reduced, its severity is worse before and during menstruation.

Are one of the factors that cause acne in women cigarettes, because women who smoke tend to have a more oily complexion and this reduces the production of vitamin E, which is very important for the regeneration of the skin.

With this problem, the demand for products to combat adult acne is growing every day; however, they must also care for aspects such as hygiene (washing the face lifted, remove makeup, etc).

As well as ensure carrying food more balanced; but most important, try to relax a bit more, although the question is how ” therefore, invite you to evaluate your life and habits to include any activity that will relax them (I will be in search of mine).