Madrid, 8 mar ( EFE).-the medical and surgeons aesthetic asked today to withdraw to all women who have been implanted with PIP these mammary prosthesis, although they have not suffered any breakage and are in their integrity, that they have a “psychological affectation” by the significance of what has happened.

Well said at press conference the Chairman of the Professional Union of doctors and surgeons aesthetic of Spain, Javier Moreno, who has ensured that its Legal Department will undertake legal action against the Administration if don’t charge of 30,000 women who them implanted these prostheses in private clinics.

However, many of them have already been operated by surgeons private free of charge, although they have had to pay the costs of surgery and anesthesia, among others, as well as a new prosthesis, which reached a cost of 1,800 euros.

And all this, according to Moreno, when they have been “badly”, as well as doctors since, as has been said, they bought the PIP at a comparable price that was in the market and after passing the mechanisms of control of the European Union and Spain.

Doctors considered that, although the introduction of the PIP is not related with the appearance of a cancer or other diseases, women carrying these prosthesis, whilst they do not suffer any broken, are psychologically affected by the widespread that has had this problem and because an “insecure” product.