Tag: kingdom

The side effects of steroids


steroids, are actually known cortisone synthetic derivatives. Despite the fact that it is improving in its formula and each time their side effects are minor, they still exist, so it is good to have knowledge of them.

Steroids are normally used to treat diseases autoimmune, rheumatic and inflammatory. Side effects may begin to appear if we skip our medical recommendations, whether we lengthen the treatment more thing due or the amount to drink, or after a long treatment without pausing. these side effects may be pancreatitis, hypertension, HIRSUTISM, acne, retention of liquids, euphoria, insomnia, depression, psychosis, overweight, diabetes, myopathy, bone necrosis, among many other. Depends very much on each body.

As it should be noted, you should never automedicarte, for the world. A medicine is something that although you sane, can be dangerous if you do not act in accordance with what you advise your doctor. Steroids are drugs that should be a special care.

Of medicine the Economist

Tags: health tips, corticoids, steroids side effects

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Smoke and dye hair could damage the liver


according to a study by the Royal Infirmary of Manchester United Kingdom, dyeing the hair and smoking, increase the risk of primary biliary cirrhosis in a 37 and 63 per cent, respectively. Some figures actually frightening.

The disease, is an initial form of cirrhosis of the liver, a progressive autoimmune disease in the long term. The study was conducted on more than five thousand people and the results were published in the journal Gut. with respect to smoking, researchers found that patients who had smoked at some point in their lives were, on average, 63 percent more likely to develop CBP. Something that was already known, thanks to studies previous.

. With regard to the habit of dyeing the hair, the found relationship, surprise. People who used this kind of dyes, mostly women, were up 37 percent more risk of developing the disease. Is not yet known that the dye chemical components, are the cause, but the study is ticking and soon, you will receive answers.

Vitadelia Edu Mec

Tags: medical studies, risks tobacco, tobacco health

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips