the effects of sublingual allergen immunotherapy are kept four years after starting treatment.

Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (eaaci) Symposium a new era in allergen immunotherapy ”

-the results of a clinical trial conducted in adult long-term show a reduction of all symptoms to be treated with Oralair ®, tablets of sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses

Madrid, 2011-June the results of a multicentre phase III-long-term, presented at the Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), have shown that the effects of Oralair ®, sublingual immunotherapy as tablets for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses and managed with a pre-coestacional Protocolthey are kept within three years of treatment and a year after the end of the same. The reduction of all allergic symptoms observed in adults who participated in this study, he remained during the three years that were receiving the tablets of 300IR and Oralair ® in the first year post-treatment.

Dr. Sabina Rak, of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg (Sweden), who participated in the Symposium of Stallergenes A new era in allergen immunotherapy ” explained how the researchers had carried out this study aimed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the tablets for sublingual immunotherapy of grasses 5 adult with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by grass pollen. 633 Patients were divided into three groups, the first group to receive placebo and the remaining two Oralair ®, starting with the treatment four and two months before the pollen season, respectively.

To evaluate the results, researchers used as a main criterion the adjusted average score of symptoms (AAdSS). The analysis of the fourth year, medium-sized differences from placebo in two treatment groups were of a – 22.9% (p = 0. 0112) for the Group of four months and a – 28.5% for group of two months (p = 0. 0019). Adverse effects were not recorded during the first year free treatment or in earlier periods. This test – assured Dr. Rak – it has shown long-term efficacy of treatment with tablets of sublingual immunotherapy of five grass, suggesting an increased efficiency with the passing of the seasons. However, the study still is not over, because in its fifth year, we will evaluate the effect of Oralair ® on a second free treatment station ”.

At the same Symposium doctor Pascal Demoly, allergist in the University Hospital of Montpellier (France), addressed the false beliefs about allergen immunotherapy and concluded that despite the recent progress in the understanding of the allergy, still allergen immunotherapy should fight against false beliefs that are not justified ”said the expert. The high level of clinical evidence that we have currently endorses the efficacy and safety of allergen immunotherapy and enables professionals to implement it in their daily practice, thus entering a new era in the treatment of allergy ”.

About Stallergenes

Stallergenes S.A. is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes sells its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries by more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.

Stallergenes in Antony (Íle-de-France) factory is the major centre of production of allergens prepared specially for a patient (APEP) in the world, making it more than 150 different allergens to treat some 500,000 patients annually.

More than 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is aimed at research and development. Stallergenes turnover volume of 216 million euros in 2010.

Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in our country Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. owns one portfolio of products for the treatment of 95% of patients affected by respiratory allergic diseases and it has been, since its implementation in Spanish territory for 11 years, by a strong work of research in new products