The Hematologists desaconsejan the use of private cord umbilical. banks

the usefulness of the umbilical cord blood, to debate at the national meeting LIII of the AEHH and XXVII Congress of the SETH, held these days in Zaragoza.

– argue that it is very likely that causing genetic alteration of a malignant disease is also present in the blood from the umbilical cord of the affected

– call on the Government to amend the existing legislation with the aim of that private banks using the same criteria of quality that are used in the public network

-Spain is the second country in nnumbers of stored units, only behind the United States, and the third in units per million inhabitants

– today there are 9 umbilical cord blood banks spread throughout the Spanish geography

-the progressive increase in the donation of umbilical cord blood will be more likely to cure diseases

-is possible to find a unit of umbilical cord blood for more than 90% of patients who need

Zaragoza, November 2011- umbilical cord blood transplantation has proved in the past 20 years to be able to cure a significant proportion of patients with various diseases, benign and malignantwhich require parents hematopoietic transplantation, but lack of donor HLA-compatible family or not relational ”, points out Dr. Guillermo Sanz, head of section of Hematology clinic of the Hospital Universitario La Fe of Valencia. Technique is indicated in leukemias and lymphomas, aplastic anemia, and several congenital diseases, such as serious immunodeficiencies (bubble children), thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies disorders of metabolism ”, adds.
Compared to other sources of hematopoietic parents, umbilical cord blood has increased availability and requires less HLA compatibility with the receiver. In fact, is possible to find a unit appropriate for more than 90% of patients that require ”, explains the expert. This has made the technique to expand significantly. En Spain began to perform in children around 1990, and adults starting in 1996 in ”, says. Hospital Universitario La Fe, with more than 250 transplant to his credit, is the most experienced in adults from all over Europe, and its figures are similar for the other two institutions with greater global experience: the University of Minnesota and the University of Tokyo.

The progressive increase in the donation of umbilical cord blood will make it possible to offer patients that require it units with greater cell doses and better HLA compatibility, which will result in greater likelihood of healing ”, emphasizes Dr. Sanz. On the other hand, improvements in the selection of units and the improvement of techniques such as the former expansion alive of parents hematopoietic or dual transplantation, will make it possible to offer a universal alternative potentially curative for many patients ”. Until few years ago, technique is only performed in high weight adults, but now is an alternative source to be considered in any transplant candidate ”.

Spain has been a pioneer worldwide in the creation and development of public cord blood banks. It is the second country in number of stored units, only behind the United States, and the third in units per million inhabitants. Today there are 9 umbilical cord blood banks spread throughout the Spanish geography. Transfusion of Malaga, the cord Bank of Barcelona centre and Bank cord Madrid are those who have a greater number of stored units. Cord Bank, Barcelona is the most important in Europe, with more than 1,000 units sent to centres around the world. In addition, the quality standards of our banks are excellent ”, according to this expert. As auction, have been the first to launch a National Plan of Umbilical cord blood, which aims to meet the existing demand with criteria of quality, excellence and economic efficiency ”.

In relation to private banks of blood from the umbilical cord, for personal and family use, Dr. Sanz believes that they must meet minimum requirements to run. Among them, they have to offer a truthful information to mothers about the utility real and demonstrated for this type of blood, and to demand that transport, freezing and storage is made with the same quality criteria that are used on the banks of the public network ”, said. The expert goes further and asks the Government to amend the existing legislation in this regard. In general, discouraged the use of private banks because it is very likely a disease causing genetic alteration malignant also is present in the blood from the umbilical cord of the affected ”.

On the Spanish society of Haematology and haemotherapy (AEHH)

The AEHH is a scientific society whose purpose is the promotion, development and dissemination of integrity and content of the speciality of Haematology and haemotherapy aspects medical, scientific, organizational, health care, teaching and research. Likewise, arises the need to approach to society in generalin such a way that is perceived and properly understands the value of the professional role of the hematologist and its competence in medicine. Its central axis consists of 17 cooperative groups that currently are, each focused on a specific aspect of the specialty. With 53 years of life, the AEHH is today a powerful organization with a significant scientific impact, since many of the more than 2,000 professional Hematologists as part of her are internationally recognized figures for many years thus becoming one of the most visible parts of Spanish medicine abroad.