the IUD is the long-term contraceptive method most used by the European.

The study appears in the ‘ European Journal Of Contraception And Reproductive Health Care ’.

-A European survey has defined long-term contraception usage profile. Work, awarded the prize of the National Congress of Gynecology, shows, among other things, that 10 per cent of women used these methods and they are mostly older than 30 years.

Barcelona, October 2009.- of long-term contraceptive methods (intrauterine conception, hormonal injection or subcutaneous implant) still used very little ”, explains to SINC Sergio Haimovich, researcher of the Hospital del Mar of Barcelona and author of the study published by the European Journal Of Contraception And Reproductive Health Care.

After the male condom, the pill is the method most used by women in Europe, while in the long term it is intrauterine contraception (copper IUD or IUD that releases hormones). More than 11,000 women in 14 European countries, more enduring techniques were used for 1,088 females, 10% of the sample.

Spanish research, which is part of a broader study on the profile of general contraception for women in Europe, evaluates the use of reversible long-term contraception. According to Haimovich, users are women over the age of 30 who did not wish to have more children and who seek a long-term solution to ”. Most young girls use different methods, according to the expert.

The causes and modes of choice of contraceptive methods are unknown. But what is the scientific interest of a user profile? The answer to these questions can help us to make a contraceptivo Council that better suits the needs of users ”, explains Haimovich.

The condom triumphs in Spain

Data serving the characteristics of each country needs Spain is one of the European countries where more condoms, is used in all age bands. However, according to the study, are currently increasing, such as the pill or the ring-hormonal methods.
The results of this research, awarded the prize for the best paper presented at the Congress of Gynecology of this year, on 25 September help to understand what search users and make more appropriate contraceptivo control ”, says Haimovich. why we have to adapt our discourse to the demands of users anytime, and works like this allow us to meet these requirements ”, says the scientist.

Bibliographic reference:

Sergio Haimovich. Profile of long-acting reversible contraception users in Europe ”. European Journal Of Contraception And Reproductive Health Care, 2009.