Lack of information means a serious obstacle ” in treatment of mental disorders.

According to the FEAFES Confederation.

-the associative movement of people with mental and family FEAFES claims that the information is considered a key ” in treating

-adequate information allows people with a mental health problem and their families better cope with the diagnosis and defend their rights and social and health

Madrid, March 2012.- clear and complete information should be a fundamental part in the treatment of mental disorders. So said on Tuesday the President of the Spanish Confederation of groups of relatives and people with Mental illness (FEAFES), José María Sánchez Monge, who has claimed that care in mental health services grant more importance to this aspect, he said, many times forgotten ”.

Upon receiving the diagnosis of a mental disorder, a timely information can save much distress to the diagnosed person and his environment ”, argued Sánchez Monge. FEAFES claims that since the detection of a mental health problem is offered to interested parties the possibility of knowing the characteristics of the disorder, the existing resources as well as benefits to which that person is entitled.

From the associations of people with mental illness and family claim that both psychiatrists and primary care physicians consider the information a key ” in the treatment which they offer to the person with a mental health problem, and not as an extra ” in attention to this type of disorders. According to Sánchez Monge, the lack of information can be a serious obstacle ” in recovery from a mental health problem ”.

A timely information not only has a reassuring, or practical function, but it serves to let the person with mental illness to know their rights and be able to exercise them ”, explained the President of FEAFES. Be well informed would therefore the first step in order to achieve the maximum possible autonomy ” and have a full capacity of decision ”.

In addition, from FEAFES note the need for psychoeducational programmes that affected individuals and their families, have the appropriate tools so that the appearance of a mental disorder affected as little as possible their daily lives. In the absence of such initiatives, many of FEAFES institutions have launched various programmes to cover this need of their collective.

A support service

The FEAFES Confederation offers a free service in which both the whole of society and the field of mental health professionals may receive information reference documentation on the features of disorders, resources and existing aid as well as legal advice.

Last year these services received more than 1,500 requests for information, the majority by own people with mental illness and their families. From the entity consider that many of these petitions show a high level of disinformation by the persons concerned in basics ” related to the recovery and coexistence with these types of disorders.

To contact the free service of information and legal advice of the Confederation FEAFES can call 91 507 92 48, or e-mail


the Spanish Confederation of groupings of families and people with Mental illness (
FEAFES ) is an organisation of non-profit and social interest that emerged in 1983. Integrates 19 federations and uniprovinciales associations, bringing together 283 entities and has more than 45,000 members and associates throughout the country.