Services minimum in public health during the general strike on Thursday will be on a Sunday or public holiday in most of the communities autonomous, similar to the qualified for the last stop general, held in September 2010. A similar situation is expected in private healthcare.

As general rule, to be considered a basic and essential, essential service care will remain as a normal day in units such as dialysis, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, transplants, UCI, resuscitation, coronary units or cleaning and emergency transport in areas of risk services.

Also, in some communities, such as Andalusia, Extremadura, Murcia, the Canary Islands, Catalonia or Navarre, MRSA and hospital emergencies will also work as a normal day, while they will work as one Sunday in others, as in Valencia or Basque country.

Also as a Sabbath or a holiday will work, in general lines, specialties and health centres and the rest of non-urgent hospital care and other services as kitchens, switchboards, cleaning or collected waste.

In this case, the regional governments believe that health care is ensured. However, convening unions, UGT and CC.OO., they have challenged the minimum services established by the respective regional Governments in Balearic Islands, Castilla y León, Basque country, considering them “abusive and disproportionate”, while in Aragon pending agreement.

Private health

by what refers to private healthcare, the National Federation of private clinics (FNCP) and representatives of Comisiones Obreras (CC.)(OO.) and UGT, agreed Monday to clinics, hospitals and laboratories of clinical analyses of private character will also have the usual template of a holiday and will include further cancer treatments (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) and dialysis, so that minimum services offered in these centres “ensure the maintenance of essential community service”.

However, has established that such an agreement does not replace those laid down in each community, but that it will only prevail for those in which there is no established minimum services.