
all people have habits that prevent us from being happy, only there are people who don’t realize you have a life cycle that causes stress and sadness. If you are one of those people who thinks that he is not happy, or if you already like to be more still, this time we present you a series of tips to achieve happiness.


first that nothing be conscious in your life there are actions that you must change in order to be happy, and the tips are related to this:
< br > 1.-have feelings of hatred
life is too short to hate or feel resentment by someone, you we propose is that you forget that and better des space in your mind for people who really deserve it.

2-cling to fear and insecurities
Ponte to reconsider do many great opportunities lost by fear or concern?, it is normal to feel fear but you have to fight this, none of your concerns was well over by what you learn from your mistakes and the next opportunity I say Yes.

Would like to have more tips?, happens to visit us at our sister Glovege where originates this post with the name of page: habits that make you unhappy