Kidneys are important for the proper functioning of our body, and to keep us healthy bodies they require some special care.


If you are interested in improving the status and health of the kidneys, today you leave some Tips to take care of yourself and to perform their functions in a way correct.

the kidneys are responsible for the blood that circulates through the body not containing waste materials or toxins, in total these filter approximately two litres of blood daily.

These organs can be damaged due to diabetes and hypertension and developing infections such as pyelonephritis, which can cause kidney failure and Glomerulonephritis. The first thing that must be done to improve the condition of the kidneys is to have a healthy lifestyle.

Tips to keep kidneys healthy:

  • Care pressure arterial
  • maintain cholesterol levels stable
  • not drink so many foods to increase blood sugar levels
  • take two liters of water daily
  • care salt
  • avoid taking many medications
  • reduce the stress
  • to exercise at least 30 minutes a day
  • reduce caffeine intake
  • trafficking do not travel very long and not sitting for many hours
  • takes drinks to help the kidney cleanse as the cranberry juice or water or you of jamaica

hope that these tips are helpful to them can begin to have some healthier kidneys, and don’t forget to take plenty of water to keep hydrated and that your kidneys work properly.