
to avoid the cold and its complications, we offer you some tips easy to apply to hold temperatures inside your home.


Cold is the absence of heat. To avoid entering a freezing environment, it is necessary to contain the heat in all possible ways. More with the entrance of extreme cold fronts in all the world.

winter’s main ally to cold, which presents no mercy in all households. During these periods of low temperatures, it is important to keep the heat inside the home to prevent diseases and to enjoy the beauty of the climate.

Here some recommendations to avoid the cold in your casa:

  • Thick curtains on ventana: an easy way to keep the heat in your home, is covering your windows with thick curtains. The best material is thermal liner, but if funds are not plenty, any type of material can do, anything to cover these windows.
  • Light solar: gives access to sunlight during the season. Opens the windows and the door so that it radiates heat your home. Allows Sun to warm your home and leave it to warm for the night.
  • Blocks aire: streams located air intakes and cover to avoid the cold to find room in your home. Remember that the cold loves to go underneath the doors and any orificie is not covered.
  • Closed empty rooms: closes those places that do not have utility, this is to avoid that the heat is dissipated in uninhabited areas.
  • Settings calefaccion: those who have systems of heating (wood, butane, etc.) set to the indicated temperature, and pay the required attention where it depends on logs to generate heat.

Here are some practical tips that can be applied to prevent the cold from entering their homes. Keep warm and special attention to children and the elderly.