
the morning rituals help us to achieve our objectives, since as we will create us the habit we are reaching small goals desired little by little, making us feel good with us.


Here we show you a series of steps of how to make a successful morning ritual with 9 simple Tips in order to help you and encourage you to continue with those purposes that get always wanted to make.

Is true that morning routine is one of the most difficult follow, since if we are not to costumbrados to perform a series of activities immediately to get up from bed, do not wake up to the moment in which we open our eyes.


this list of How to make a good routine that will help you to make the activities that you propose in the moment in which you wake up automatically. So we decided to share with you these 9 steps to create a morning ritual:

1. Determines a point of support. It recognizes that most important piece that makes everything fall into place. You conceived your ritual with the objective of completing something important. An example would be the waking up at 6:00 am and exercise for 20 minutes, this will help you in your energy recharge for the day, whatever it is important for you, give you their time and showed.

2. focus on the most important activity. Since you choose the most important, considerala as the first task in carrying out piece. Your ritual should be based on this new habit.

To continue reading this list, go to Lormik.com our digital portal to see: 9 tips to make a morning routine.