
are you one of those who download many applications and don’t have them daily? You don’t have to worry about following this simple Guide to update the android applications, you can take advantage of your digital entertainment platforms, have updated as some make it independently but others need attention to keep abreast.

How to upgrade automatically Android applications

first you have to enter the Google Play Store where you will find the menu and you proceed to enter settings, inside you will find a tab that marks Auto-actualizar applications ” and this will easily stay updated.

manually update Android applications

You have to go back to Google Play Store to find the app store, which has a menu with three tiny dots on the top right of the display, there will open the option of my application ” in which there are two alternatives the of update all ” which will bring up-to-date all the applications or update one by one ” in which your customize platforms must be updated.

You liked the note, you can read complete from Interlinkeo, on the following link Guide to update your Android applications.