The team of the Center for studies of the human genome (CEGH) of the Institute of Bioscience (IB), led by Maria Rita-Passos Bueno and Mayana Zatz, is testing different sources of stem cells taken from the body itself capable of accelerating the reconstruction of bones.


the technique intended to increase efficiency in the treatment of diseases of difficult regeneration, such as osteosporose, that causes loss of bone mass and thus increases the fragility of bones and the risk of fractures


according to researcher Mayana Zatz, “the aim of the research is to use stem cells to accelerate reconstruction of bones that have suffered any fractures or poor-training, as with babies who are born with craniofacial changes,” says


the study entitled prospect of a future treatment for osteoporosis or other bone diseases based on stem cells was developed by researchers from the center of the genome of the USP Tatiana Jazedje da Costa Silva and Daniela Franco Bueno, and received the health, Editora Abril, in the category women’s health in 2010


variety of stem cells/ > during development of the study were harvested stem cell samples from various human tissues. At first, were collected tissue stem cells extracted from the body, such as milk tooth pulp, fat — thrown in surgeries, mainly in liposuction procedures — and muscle tissue of lip — corrective surgeries

thrown in.

Later, the team of CEGH tested the potential of stem cells of the fallopian tubes — channels that connect the ovaries to the uterus — and proved the high concentration of this type of cell in the female body. “The advantage of this discovery is that as the osteosporose reaches mostly older women, due to hormonal loss menopause, can now regenerate bone fractured with the patient’s physical resources themselves,” reports Mayana.

/ > withdraw Procedure After the stem cells of the body and measure their potential in regenerating bone, tests are performed in the laboratory (in vitro) to determine whether these cells may or may not form bone tissue


After this, to prove the efficiency of the method, compared to developments in bone reconstruction of two distinct groups of mice, one with the stem cell implant and another without implants, under normal conditions. Through this in vivo test, it was found that mice that had the membrane with stem cells had a much more accelerated regeneration of fractured bone, than mice that lacked the

stem cells.

in the experiments, in addition to the stem cells, were also used templates that serve as support for the setting of stem cells before being applied in animal models and which assist in the healing process. The next step is to submit to the approval of regulatory bodies, such as the National Council of ethics in research (CONEP), to be able to start the test

in humans.More information: