Sanitas hospital acquires Embryoscope, an incubator of embryos that a 10% increase in the rate of pregnancies.

in the Centre of assisted reproduction Sanitas in Alcobendas.

– incorporates a camera that captures images of the embryonic development continuously

– Select embryos more suitable for transfer to the uterus of the mother

Madrid, April of 2013- Sanitas hospital reinforces its assisted reproduction unit with the addition of Embryoscope, the most advanced technology today for the cultivation and selection of embryosthat it allows to raise up to 10% pregnancy rates for in vitro fertilization.

It is an incubator that improves the process of cultivation and selection of embryos with the addition of a camera that captures in time real, 24 hours a day, the development of the embryo. Imaging involves two fundamental improvements. In terms of cultivation, the embryo always remains in a safe prior to your deployment environment since there is out of the incubator to watch it with the microscope as it was until now. In what refers to the selection, images provide information on the quality of the embryo at every moment to be able to choose the fittest ” explains Dr. Garijo, head of the service of the assisted reproduction unit at the Milenium Sanitas medical center of Alcobendas.

As a result, the embryos transferred to the mother or preserved for next attempts to have a greater potential for effectiveness. While the conventional incubators, pregnancy rates are around 38%, with Embryoscope, rates rise above 10%, according to the latest studies ” says Dr. Garijo.

With the addition of Embryoscope, Sanitas hospitals, stands at the forefront in assisted reproduction techniques. Recent implementation in our country, the technology is now available in the assisted reproduction unit located in Center doctor Milenium, the company has in the Madrid town of Alcobendas. The unit provides about 300 patients to benefit from new technology in the coming year.