Paediatricians and nurses opt for working in a team to face new challenges in health child.
-la VII meeting annual the pediatricians was attended by numerous professionals from the Pediatrics and allowed that specialists and resident assistants can share their professional experiences in different areas

-today, pediatricians have noticed an increase in children and adolescents attending consultations by problems and disorders that can not be served in the traditional form of a medical consultation

– the Pediatricians defends the need to enhance team work of paediatricians and nurses in health centres

-pediatricians deem it necessary to enhance basic units of Pediatric primary care teams

-one of the main objectives of the pediatricians is to develop the figure of the Coordinator for primary care pediatricians to improve the responsibility of planning, coordination and evaluation of results of activity of Pediatric primary care professionals

Guadalajara, November 2011- in recent years paediatric consultations have been a notable shift in the care of the health problems and needs of care for children and adolescents. Pediatricians receive increasingly more cases of new emerging problems associated with adolescent health: child depression, ADHD with and without attention deficit, developmental disorders (Autism) neuroevolutivo, problems related to nutrition (obesity and eating disorders), school failure, child abuse, social exclusion, etc.

In order to analyse and to share the situation and current problems, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics of primary care (pediatricians) has held its annual meeting VII who have attended numerous pediatricians throughout the Spanish. The event allows in this way, specialists and resident assistants to share their professional experiences in different areas.

According to Dr. Begoña Domíngez, President of the pediatricians, “ through this meeting, specialists can analyze and reflect on the new Pediatrics posed a major challenge for primary care pediatrician, both for its training ways of developing its welfare activity ”.

Currently, pediatricians have noted an increase in children and adolescents attending consultations by problems and disorders that can not be served in the traditional form of a medical consultation. It is cases requiring more time than the specialist to get to know the critical environment of the child (family, school, friends …). “ Often need to have a cross-sectoral and global perspective that integrates the actions on health education and social services ”, pointing the pediatrician.

Pediatric nursing at the health centres

Before the current scene, pediatricians of the pediatricians highlight the need to enhance team work of paediatricians and nurses in health centres. According to Dr. Javier Blanco, Coordinator of the 7th annual meeting of the pediatricians and pediatric primary care to El Casar de Talamanca “ AP paediatricians and nurses must work in a shared setting that allows us to provide quality responses to new challenges in child health in the 21st century ”.

Among the organizational proposals, the pediatricians is essential to enhance basic units of Pediatric primary care teams. “ The idea is that these units are integrated by a pediatrician and a nurse working in a complementary manner in relation to a same population ”, argues this pediatrician. In this sense, “ paediatric nursing model is very positive, as the exclusive dedication of a nurse to the child population generates satisfaction to the users and professionals ”, qualifies the white doctor.

Organizational challenges of the pediatricians

One of the main objectives of the pediatricians is keeping the current model of primary care Pediatrics, formed by the basic unit of Pediatrics and “ ensure the right of families to which all children have assigned a paediatrician of header ”, says the expert. In this regard highlights new challenges:

-improve coordination Hospital – primary care, based on common consensus criteria, avoiding the tendency to the hospitalcentrismo and duplication of interventions on the child population ”, something that will improve the response capacity of the pediatrician and promote monitoring of chronic processes in children.

-Develop the figure of the Coordinator for primary care pediatricians to improve the planning, coordination and evaluation of results of activity of Pediatric primary care practitioners, and to help alleviate the shortcomings in child care. This position at the moment only has presence in Madrid, Murcia and Gran Canaria.

-Encourage research and the involvement of Pediatricians of AP in the training and professional development; in drafting and management of clinical practice guidelines; in consultative and decision-making bodies of the health administrations such as the vaccine advisory committees and the Advisory Committee of the Interterritorial Council of the national system of health.

All these developed in the 7th annual meeting of the pediatricians along with other topics such as asthma, disturbances of sleep, nutritional problems, hyperactive disorders, problems of psicomotriciad, etc., are some of the areas which most concern for primary care pediatricians.

Spanish Association of Pediatrics of primary care (pediatricians)

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics of primary care (pediatricians) was constituted as a Federation of associations of pediatricians who work in primary care, scientific and professional and non-profit, currently is associated more than 2,800 Spanish statewide primary care pediatricians.

Within it are different working groups on various subjects (Group prevention in children and adolescents, group of Airways, Pediatrics based on evidence, teaching MIR, international cooperation, adolescent sleep pathology, research group, group professional and hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder)brewing currently other working groups such as the one dedicated to the development Pediatrics.

The main objectives of this Association are to: promote the development of Pediatrics in primary care, seek the maximum State of health of children and adolescents, promoting their health, prevent disease and facilitate its recovery in case of infected, promote and exercise teaching on pediatric primary care of the pregraduado and postgraduate (Pediatrics resident physicians)(, Medical residents in family medicine and community and professionals in the field of primary care), encourage and exercise research, coordinate the different health programmes related to healthy and diseased child, pick up issues and concerns related to the exercise of the primary care Pediatrics and represent the interests of its partners in the framework of laws and to the various bodies (administrations P)(úblicas health and teachers, other bodies or entities national or international), and coordinate with other similar associations (regional, national or international) activities and projects aimed at the improvement of the Pediatrics in primary care.