Reasons the action of eating nails, is called smoker and not only affects the nails, if not that our health it may be committed. The smoker is not just an aesthetic problem, which is why we will inform you about the problems that this may cause you to your health.

It is clear that the nails are the main aggrieved that their growth becomes abnormal due to the continuous bites. But not only that, can also lead to injuries, infections, inflammation, and pain in the fingers.

the jaw and teeth are also affected, the teeth wear more quickly and stop working correctly. The jaw also can be compromised and suffered injuries to their joints due to excessive use of esta.

In addition, to bite us nails and in many occasions eating them, we can cause intestinal parasitic infections. For this reason it is advisable to treat the smoker as soon as possible and avoid as far as possible, eat the nails.

Health and welfare Nectar
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Tags: biting nails, smoker, risks smoker