this morning us levantábamos with the news in all media. A study of 20,000 women at the hands of the Catalan Institute of Oncology and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, says that the use of this contraceptive method reduces 50% likely to have a tumor. The study has been published in the scientific journal The Lancet Oncology and 2,000 of the 20,000 women studied are Spanish.

The use of this method does not increase the chances of contracting the virus of human papillomavirus and does reduce its progression. The reason is in the immune response that occurs in women as a result of physical changes that occur to the IUD.

Know that does not increase the chances of acquiring an infection by the human papilloma virus, but it also eliminates the performance of the IUD is to prevent progression of the infection to develop into cervical cancer.

The reasons son:

  • The insertion and withdrawal of the device process involves destruction of pre-cancerous lesions.
  • The device induces chronic mucosal inflammation and an immune response of long-lasting, reducing the progression of the HPV.
  • We hope that further progress in the cure of this illness, that brings us head.

    Fuente| Levante-emv

Tags: cancer of uterus, IUD