La UCM presented the extraordinary professorship in health communication and its first master’s degree online in this area.

-the extraordinary Chair of communication and health, founded by the Complutense University and Abbott and presented the past 18 Monday in Madrid, includes, inter alia, the first master on-line communication and health

– book communication and health has been in the same Act. Strategies and experiences in prevention, promotion, and education for health

Madrid, June 2012.- the role of communication seems determinant to the challenges posed by the economic crisis and its impact on the sustainability and quality of the current health system. For this reason, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in collaboration with Abbott has created the Chair Chair of communication and health, with the aim of improving the knowledge of health professionals bothconferences and seminars on health communication and research projects as a result of which will be published manuals and academic articles.

In addition, within this Chair of communication and health encompasses the first Magister online communication and health, a qualification of graduate of the UCM, with the collaboration of the city of Madrid (Madrid health), the foundation of education for health (Fundadeps)the International Institute of communication and health (INICyS), the Agency for training of specialists in Sciences of the health of the community of Madrid, Laín Entralgo, which has expressed interest as well as the Government delegation for the National Drug Plan;

Both projects, both the Chair and the master have been the past Monday 18 at the Faculty of information sciences of the UCM in an act that has been assisted by the Vice-Rector for postgraduate and continuing education of the UCM, José María Alunda, the Dean of the faculty, Mª Carmen Pérez of Armiñán; Madrid health representatives; Professor of social psychology of communication of the UCM and the Master, Ubaldo Cuesta, director and director of healthcare management and institutional relations of Abbott, Antonio Banares.

De izquierda a derecha: Antonio Bañares, director de Gestión Sanitaria y Relaciones Institucionales de Abbott,  José María Alunda, vicerrector de Posgrado y Formación Continua de la UCM, Mª Carmen Pérez de Armiñán, decana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Ubaldo Cuesta, Professor of social psychology of communication of the UCM and director of the Master.

The role of broadcasters in the education of a population that each day is more mediated and has access to a large flow of information, is essential. It is essential that health information is responsible, rigorous and is proven, as health alarms generated great concern among the population, and therefore this is one of the key concepts that we will send to the students ”, has commented on Ubaldo Cuesta.

Master in communication and health online

Master in communication and health online has been designed to give students the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary in the area of communication and health perspective applied to professional practice, which will address, among other issues, public healthinterpersonal and group communication, communication and key community health, journalism and health information and communication cabinets, risk communication and the communicative management of health crises, addictions (communication and intervention), communication, and health 2.0 or communication in health plans.

The master has a deep international vocation since it will count with the collaboration of the Pan American Health Organization, the Ibero-American network of communication and health, the International Institute of communication and health and other international institutions that offer the possibility to students for practice in their countries.

The pre-registration deadline is opened on 20 June and classes will begin in February, 2013 in the Virtual Campus of the UCM, ending in June of the same year.

Strategies and experiences in prevention, promotion and health education

In addition to the Chair, and the master has also presented the communication and health book. Strategies and experiences in prevention, promotion and health education. This manual is the result of the collaboration agreement initiated in 2005 between the UCM, Abbott, and the Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid health), as well as the foundation of education for health (FUNDADEPS) and the International Institute of communication and health (INICyS).

In this specialized manual the reader find relevant contributions within the field of communication and health. The content is grouped in two modules: a first module of theoretical models and a second more practical module, with examples, case studies, etc. focused on strategies and experiences. In this mode, subjects such as prevention (especially in addictions), doctor-patient communication, promotion and health education, gender perspectives in health communication and other issues with the TIC´s, taking special relevance in the book. All based on a necessary approach to multidisciplinary, from psychology, sociology, pedagogy, medicine, pharmacy or the theory of communication.