A work on the consumption of alcohol in adolescence wins the V contest literary of the Hospital San Juan de Dios of Santurtzi.

awards of the V contest literary of the Hospital San Juan de Dios of Santurtzi.

– this year, the literary contest has been oriented towards the short story, in which the texts had a maximum length of 275 words

– in this edition have been more than 60 works, both in Spanish and in Basque

-the winning student, Sara Almazán Sanz has received 300 euros, trophy and diploma

-the literary contest has counted with the collaboration of the Association poetry Marrodan

Santurtzi (Bizkaia), June 2012.- A story written by the Basque student Sara Almazán Sanz on the first experience in the abusive consumption of alcohol in adolescence has won the fifth edition of the literary contest for the San Juan Hospital in Santurtzi Dios school. The second place achieved by the young David Novales of the penalty, with a story entitled Basque Kontsulta berezia ”. 3Rd Leire Izaguirre Marfagón has won with a short story about the bad habits of life related to the consumption of toxic substances and bulimia.

The award ceremony was held in the San Juan Santurtzi Dios Hospital. Jury and same Mercedes as well as the winners and their families have participated, on behalf of the hospitaller order of St. John of God.

Ganadores certamen literario Hospital San Juan Dios Santurtzi

En esta edición se han presentado más de 60 relatos de diversos colegios, institutos e ikastolas de Bizkaia. The winners have been 300, 100 and 200 euros in cash for school supplies, together with their corresponding trophies and diplomas.

The main feature of the edition of this year of the contest literary of the Hospital San Juan de Dios is that the text should not exceed 275 words of extension also, should begin with a phrase related to the world of health: that morning I was not feeling well and went to the emergency room with my mother ”.

First prize: Sara Almazán Sanz


that morning I was not feeling well and went with my mother to the emergency room, the previous evening celebrated my birthday, never drink, and why I am the Raritan ”; this time let me carry.


was the first feeling of euphoria, but soon I went from ver todo color de rosa, to not see or hear almost nothing. I don’t remember the music that sounded, and that I spent weeks choosing it. I don’t remember the gifts, nor their dedications and not remember, remember or if you want to taste my pie, so I like my cake!

But what I remember is that bitter taste of vomit, the blow that I say against the door of the bathroom of the countenance of my parents next to the door to see me arrive and, worst of all, I remember the flight of Euken, the boy that was coladita from by the time, to see that it wasn’t able to not pronounce his name.


mild dehydration produced by continuous vomiting, a very strong headache and an eternal feeling of guilt.


serum for dehydration.
Pain relievers for migraine.
Garlic and water for guilt.


in emergency treatment was kind, there was no shortage glances toward my mother, nor gestures of disapproval towards my person, but deserved, felt a great shame
has almost a year that passed, will soon return to celebrate my birthday.
Soy como quiero ser, Raritan ”, I don’t drink or smoke, and enjoy my youth.
The sympathy, the self-confidence and self-esteem are qualities that are in one’s own, and do not need additives.

Second Prize: David Novales of the penalty

Kontsulta berezia

Goiz cloy, nintzen lar ondo sentitzen, amarekin joan nintzen Larrialdietara eta ez. Sukarra eta izugarrizko buruko mina nuen. Medikuaren hainbat galderari erantzun ondoren gripea neukala esan zidan eta etxean deskantsatzen egon s nuela egunez bost. Nuen sinetsi Ezin. Egunean Italiara Hurrengo ikasketa bidaian joatear ginen. Bayna fantastic joan nintzen ezin.

Jota lur Guztiz exotica nintzen kontsultatik. Niri begira geratu zitzaidan, hain nuen aurpegi goibela Jendea. Ez zekien AMAK or kontsolatzeko zer esan ziezadakeen, bear ilusio bainuen ikasketa bidaiara joateko HT. Bat-batean edadetu bat hurbildu zitzaidan. Zer gertatzen zitzaidan galdetu eta arazoa azaldu nion zidan. Agureak honela erantzun zidan:

“Antzeko zerbait gertatu zitzaidan niri nintzela txikia.” Hanka apurtu nuen uda eta ezin hasieran izan nintzen ibili bi hilabetetan. UDA nuela uste nuen, zen ez bayna galduko osoa hala izan. Lehenengo egunetan guztiz jota lur egon nintzen, hanka apurtu ez banu egin nitzakeen gauzetan pentsatzen pasatzen bainituen orduak. Geroxeago bayna, ez zuela merezi goibel bizitzea nintzen konturatu. Laburra Bizitza da eta pozik bizi beharra dago. Egoera ezin baduzu aldatu, zertarako kezkatuko zara? Ez dago edozeren beste Zoriona baitan, baitan baizik norberaren izan ere geure helmugan kokatzen badugu, ez gara pozik biziko bertara heldu edozein zoriontasuna art. ETA bizitzan jakin gozatzen bidea, dago beharra disfrutatzen uneoro. Horregatik, VB pass guitar ekin nion, eta nintzenerako, uda igaro zen konturatu ikasteari jotzen. “Beraz, gozatu momentua”

IRRI bat exotica zitzaidan. Irakaspen ona agureak, eta konturatu nintzen ez merezi gerta plank zidan eman izan pentsatzea, benetan gertatzen dena zoriontasunez gozatzea baita garrantzitsuena ari zitekeenean. Hogeita zortzi urte pasatu egun horretatik dira. Psikologia ikasketak egin nituen eta ospitale batean gure ari naiz orain, jendea laguntzen, agure hark or lagundu ninduen moduan.

Third prize: Leire Izaguirre Marfagón

That morning I was not feeling very well and I went with my mother to the emergency room ”. Those were the words Julia (a teenager), wrote in his diary.

From a while ago it was negatively influence, smoked, drank, and was devoted to eat what I wanted to then later vomit it. He was not aware of the damage that I was doing, every time, I was weakening more and lost the light, the light that guides us along the right path. But she continued with his bad habits, while his mother and the doctor warned him of the danger.

The days passed, as well as the girl, who was oblivious of the topic and did what wanted to. It was not too long, it was as if a thorn I had stuck and I couldn’t do anything to avoid it. Many days, Julia suffered, was tortured and had severe headaches, almost unbearable. I, I was contracting, slowly, had just me the batteries to a toy.

Fatigue came accompanied by bad mood, all together, it was unbearable. Life turned into one horrible nightmare growing while the young do not trace of damage.

One day, the girl stirred the alarm. His body became fragile and paled at the moment. Julia was unconscious and my hour had come. Strong light illuminating a road was the last vision of that girl. I am having I submitted, I am the heart of Julia and I tell this terrible story that you fijéis in reality. Human we harm ourselves and so we use our bad habits of knife.