10,000 people already have a new without surgery. nose

You can have a perfect nose without operations.

– you can modify aesthetically the nose without having to undergo surgery in only 3 minutes

-the treatment is painless and the results are visible from the first day

Madrid, November 2009- 10,000 people since they have a new form of nose without need for surgery thanks to the rinomodelación. It’s a technique that allows aesthetic modifications in three minutes without surgery or touch the bone of the nose with visible results from the first moment. This treatment, viable more than 72% of cases, enables aesthetically improve the nose with a permanent result.

The wide-angle Rinomodelación allows you to modify the angle of the nose through the application at strategic points in a material of implant that he corrects the imperfections. The treatment can be applied with a local anesthetic similar to that used dentists. However, in some cases may be sufficient with the implementation of an anesthetic cream in the area to be treated.

most of the people you want to change the nose don’t need to go through surgery, with all that that implies, and suffer a slow recovery. enough action on key points of the easel and angle nasolabial to improve appearance. All this is accomplished in a few minutes and safely, without consequences, with the Rinomodelación angle ”, explains Dr. David Cohen, President of international Rinomodelación Association (AIR) and Honorary President of the Spanish society of cosmetic surgery.

Treatment, in most cases, does not last more than a query provider. Thanks to the safety of the procedure, the wide-angle Rinomodelación may be applied to any adult person. Even allergic patients can undergo this treatment as with products used in the process can not develop any allergic table ”, adds. Before starting treatment, patients can have a virtual recreation of what will be his nose after undergoing this technique.

la Rinomodelación angle has been tested by more than 10,000 patients in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, USA, Chile, Panama, Spain, France and Portugal results much more natural and less traumatic than with any surgery.

The international Rinomodelación Association brings together clinicians from around the world that apply this technique in an approved manner. Among its objectives is the dissemination of those aesthetic practices that allow an improvement in the quality of life of patients without compromising their security.