2a. European Supermicrocirugía meeting in Barcelona.

-the Hospital of Sant Pau and the sea, with the collaboration of the Spanish society of plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic (SECPRE), organized the 2nd European Supermicrocirugía meeting on 1 and 2 March, in which 27 world experts have in common put their knowledge to find the optimum for Lymphedema surgical treatment

– the Joint service of plastic surgery in the Hospital de Sant Pau and the Hospital del Mar was the first Spanish, and one of the top three in Europe, developing the techniques of Supermicrocirugía for the treatment of lymphedema

-Lymphedema is a complication, with consequences to long-term physical type and psychosocial, suffering from up to 30% of those affected by breast cancer and up to 40% of patients with Genitourinary cancers surgically treated

Barcelona, March 2012.- in this meeting, experts from around the world have put together in an International Frame Work experience in microsurgery techniquesto unify criteria diagnostic and surgical treatment of lymphedema, with the purpose of creating an international guide on this topic.

Thus, Barcelona is positioned as an international centre of knowledge and convened the second meeting European of Supermicrocirugía, which took place on 1 and 2 March in the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, organized by the joint service of plastic surgery of Sant Pau and the sea, with the collaboration of the Spanish society of plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic (SECPRE).

Service surgery plastic of the Hospital of la Santa Creu i Sant Pau and the Hospital del Mar is one of hospital services across Europe with more experience in microsurgery and is among the most prominent worldwide. This has allowed the team of this service to perform these microsurgery techniques which began at the end of the Decade of the 90s in Japan.

Lymphedema is the accumulation of lymph (fluid of the immune system), mainly in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, caused by an alteration of the lymphatic system which can be congenital origin or result of oncological surgery. It is recognized by an accumulation of abnormal proteins, edema, chronic inflammation and fibrosis, as well as an increase in weight and functional disqualification of the affected limb, dealing only with physical therapy and rehabilitation, without a definitive curative approach. Microsurgery developed in service of plastic surgery of Sant Pau and the sea is the only one that reduces in a definitive way the expression of this pathology with minimum morbidity and consequences for patients.