4th European week of awareness of the with or without hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder ADHD.

-a proper differential diagnosis is the basis for the success of the treatment of ADHD

-anxiety and ADHD two different disorders that can lead to confusion

-appropriate pharmacological treatment significantly improves the symptoms of ADHD

Palma, 2011-October the Association Still held last Friday, the first day of Conference on the occasion of the IV European week of sensibilización of ADHD, attention deficit disorder with or without Hyperactivity. A disorder of origin neurobiological that affects approximately 5% of school-age population.

The day was held in the College official of doctors of the Balearic Islands where you have been exposed and updated relevant aspects for the improvement of the symptoms of ADHD.

A proper differential diagnosis is the basis for the success of the treatment of ADHD

The DRA. in psychology María Balle Cabot of the Department of psychology of the UIB, highlighted the difficulty of knowing the causes of the lack of care in a child. Occasionally it may be simply lack of interest and other times it may involve an alteration of Fund.

Now when a child shows a lack of attention put the label of ADHD. However it is not always. There are other problems that can occur with symptoms very similar to ADHD with inattention and hyperactivity and be so intense that they interfere with children’s day to day.

The line that separates the ADHD and anxiety disorder is not always clear, and this may make it difficult much intervention. That is why it is very important to obtain a proper differential diagnosis to treatment success.

New agreement scientific on the ADHD diagnostic criteria

Dr. Mateu Servera. Dr. in psychology of the UIB has exhibited the new diagnostic criteria that are included in the recently released psychiatric diagnoses DMS-V. manual

The ADHD diagnostic criteria have been changed over time. In the new manual of diagnosis (AMD-V), next to be published, includes new criteria for the diagnosis, establishing a new subtype pure ” relatively independent of ADHD combined, but with the same clinical criteria of inattention ” for both subtypes.

This new definition has already generated controversy since there is currently a line of powerful research which already has sufficient information to define an inattentive ad pure ” regardless of combined with hyperactivity and impulsivity ADHD and with its own diagnostic criteria, giving relevance to what is known as “Stephen cognitive tempo”(tiempo_cognigtivo_lento).

Agreement among scientists on the ADHD diagnostic criteria and clear definition of assessment procedures is essential to make research on ADHD progress decisively and the coming years.

The DRA. María Romera, psychiatrist of the Balearic Institute of Mental health of children and adolescents (IBSMIA), has emphasized the improvement of the affected with ADHD when you are subjected to adequate pharmacological treatment. Treatment decreases the intensity of the symptoms of the disorder, less involved in their development. In addition has desmitificado side effects that years ago did react with reluctance to a drug.

Currently the active ingredients that are used most frequently are methylphenidate and Atomoxetine, that long ago that are used and there are sufficient scientific evidence of its effectiveness.