60,000 inhabitants suffer Alzheimer.

Madrid, 2011-September near 60,000 Madrid suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease whose incidence is growing to be linked to the ageing of our population. It is estimated that 75 per cent of the 360,000 age 65 or over living in the city of Madrid have memory problems and about 20 per cent suffer from mild or slight cognitive impairment.

training of memory with computer in the center of cognitive deterioration prevention

cognitive impairment goes from those older people who have memory problems causing them alterations in their daily lives, to persons suffering from dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s. More than 40% of people with mild or slight cognitive impairment will develop dementia over the next four years.

Given the seriousness and extent of cognitive impairment, the Ayuntamiento de Madrid through the prevention of the cognitive impairment of Madrid Health Center is working with people older than 65 years of age in work of prevention and stimulation of cognitive functions, particularly stressing the importance of early diagnosis.

This municipal Center has resources for the assessment of memory and other cognitive functions, workshops of stimulation and training of memory and individual activities with computer, all this served by a full team of professionals in areas such as Neurology, psychiatry, psychology, medicine, nursing and work

workshop group training of memory in the Centre of cognitive deterioration prevention