8% of the Vitoria suffer from sleep apnea and between 10% and 15% suffer from insomnia, although less than half have received a diagnosis

-People who snore not are aware of their problem and may be suffering from a sleep apnea and cardiovascular problems in the future.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, February 2012. The time and quality of sleep are becoming a value on the rise in our society that increasingly more people are who have difficulty falling asleep and sleep, however, a significant percentage of affected not attend a specialist to treat the possible sleep disorder who suffers from. About 8% of the population of Vitoria has sleep apnea and between 10% and 15% suffers from insomnia, although they are diagnosed less than half ”, confirms Dr. Carlos Egea, head of the unit of the dream of USP La Esperanza.

For Dr. Egea is very important to pay attention to what happens during the night, namely how and how much we sleep, because it is a true indicator of other diseases that are manifested during the day, as it is the case of the sleep apnea, which can cause cardiovascular disease and stroke. For this reason the specialist indicates that it is very important that people who suffer from a sleep disorder to attend a sleep unit to treat your problem and prevent other diseases. In the case of snoring, many people do not associate it to a disease, they are not aware of this problem, but the person who snore can have a sleep apnea and cardiovascular problems in the future ”.

Sleep involves not only the rest of our body time, but also the brain energy recharging. Such is the importance of this neural recovery, that persons with disorders of sleep, insomnia, end up suffering a major impoverishment of their interpersonal relationships – can not go to dinner, to the movies or even can not lead by the risk of staying asleep against the wheel-, as well as having a low working efficiency by fatigue ”, notes Dr. Carlos Egea, head of the unit of the dream of the clinic USP La Esperanza. If not be resting properly during the night, during the day that person is wrong. Although it depends on the person, on average need a break between 6 and 8 hours during the night ”, points the specialist.

The sleep unit consists of a multidisciplinary team of specialists who study all sleep disorders, both excessive sleep as lack of the same. Dr. Egea indicates that approximately 85% of patients who attend these consultations do for respiratory disorders, although increasingly come patients with insomnia, bad habits of sleep, narcolepsy, night terrors, etc. although there is not a specific profile, patients attending a sleep unit are mostly men aged between 40 and 60 years who suffer from apnea of the sueño and women between 50 and 60 years old with insomnia. And increasingly add more children to the consultation of this unit ”, confirms the specialist of USP La Esperanza.

The test of gold

What doctor Carlos Egea calls the test of gold ” in a unit of the dream is the study conducted with a polisomnógrafo. This device offers a very valuable information while the patient sleeps: If this people takes much or little sleep, how and how much sleep, if you have great awakening, if you move the legs during sleep, if the patient is sonámbulo, what does … there is also the possibility of video surveillance or handle the polisomnógrafo via wifi. It is an important aid in the diagnosis of the disease of the patient. In fact, this test is the only one that can make to children under the age of 5 years, confirms the specialist.

On the USP hospital group

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. Currently, USP hospital boasts a network of 12 hospitals and 23 health centres which assist 4,000 doctors annually serving more than two million patients. In addition, at the beginning of 2012 is expected between commissioning a new Hospital USP La Bay in El Campo de Gibraltar.