&#8220 fitness and nutrition are filled with many myths, until the time have tested quite a few of them, but today are going to deny one of the best-known: for download gut ” to do abdominal. As always, a brief clarification, there are many types of exercises which the abdominal muscles are involved and it is recommended to vary as much as possible if our goal is to mark them ”.

But if what we want is that these abdominal anything serve us the abdominal exercises, moreover, is usually contraproduciente. why with them we managed to increase abdominal muscle mass, but (usually) have a layer of fat over what we achieved is that the gut ” increase. In other words, the abdominal push ” the fat and makes to enhance perimeter abdominal.

Do ” then to mark abdominal don’t have to do abdominal ”? No, but in part if, first is essential is to lose that adipose tissue of the lower abdomen, in males is so common to accumulate. How to lose fat? aerobic exercise, aerobic, Christian and aerobic exercise, jogging, bicycle or walk long walks. sometimes asks people how much fat should expect to lose to begin the abdominal muscles. Another myth, the first only exercises will be used to tone up those muscles, won’t that grow gut ”, our body doesn’t work so fast. In the same way that does not begin to lose weight from the first day, will take something to start burning that fat.

For more tips for lose fat ” do not forget to visit these entrada:

* operation bikini

* Monodietas: without benefits and harmful

* diuretics to lose weight not

* slimming with high-fiber breakfast

* 5 tips before you start the Operación Bikini