Whiten teeth without supervision of an expert offers risks.


the popularity of dental bleaching, which is cheaper, brought a danger: kits to whiten your teeth are sold for low prices on the internet and some people perform treatment without supervision of a dentist.

However, such practice, according to experts, raises the possibility of problems on the gum and the tooth structure.

the main risk of unsupervised practice is excessive exposure to bleaching product, which may lead to an inflammatory process in the gum tissue and tooth sensitivity. In addition, from the so-called point of saturation, which is the maximum degree of bleaching can occur the commitment ” enamel, says Patricia Freitas, Professor at the dentistry school at USP.


With or without supervision?

Second Mauro Piragibe, consultant of the Brazilian Association of dentistry, whitening kit sale is not prohibited by Anvisa (sanitary), for being considered a product with cosmetic purposes, however, your use without supervision is not recommended by the Federal Council of dentistry. “The patient does not know the amount of the product that must apply, how long you have to use and you don’t even know if you can use, because if he has problems like cavities, plaque and gingivitis, you have to treat these diseases before everything.”

Already supervised whitening usually does not offer risks, according to Mario Sergio Giorgi, Mayor Council Regional Dentistry technique de Odontologia de São Paulo. “It is a safe procedure and the result varies among patients. Some make it clear only a tone, others more than that. The idea is that the person do cleaning and treat the problems then evaluate whether whitening worth the investment. “


source: CROSP />