A healthy voice improves interpersonal relationships.

16 April: World voice day.

-the tone and timbre of the voice are tools to attract the opposite sex and to improve the image they have of us

-All Spain specialists offer this week tips and free revisions to the population. You may consult in www.vozsana.com and the telephone number 902 009 429

Madrid, April 2012.- A voice healthy and cared for improves our interpersonal relationships and helps us to strengthen our performance, according to various studies which have given to know last Monday, on the occasion of the world day of the voiceorganized by the Spanish society of Otolaryngology and cervical-Facial pathology (SEORL) in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Vocal Music (AEMUV). This year the theme chosen is a healthy voice.

The tone and timbre of the voice are tools to attract the opposite sex and to improve the image they have of us, according to a study by the Faculty of anthropology of the University of Pennsylvania, United States. The research, published this month of April in the Magazine Journal of Sexual Research, suggests that some vocal traits associated with testosterone influence in the improvement of the possibilities of men find couple. Other research from the University of psychology of the University of Saint Andrew, in the United Kingdom, shows that women in the fertile menstrual period are able to measure the level of testosterone in men according to his voice ”, according to the authors of the research.

The level of male hormone is only part of the information that gives the voice of a person, according to the President of the SEORL, Dr. Primitivo Ortega: as well as our relationships, the voice plays a very important role in our work environment ”, adds. A healthy and strong voice helps to improve the performance of our work, but it is particularly important for those professionals who need to speak for several hours, according to the Scottish Marta Pinillos. In that regard, the otolaryngologists established four levels according to the risk that have these groups for voice problems. In the first level would be the professionals that insist the voice of basic form, as dependents of establishments and shops. In the second grade would be the people who work with the voice they need it may be effective, such as doctors, lawyers and priests. At a third level that they are requiring her voice to be effective and also have quality, such as radio announcers and actors. In the highest tier would be the singers, whose voice must have quality, effectiveness; and should also convey.

last Monday was held at the Royal Conservatory of music of Madrid the Gala Marathon of the professional voice, an event led by soprano Elisa Belmonte, Professor of Vocal technique at the Conservatory and President of the Spanish Association of Vocal Music (AEMUV). Lyric singers and Spanish musicians climbed onto the stage to make a display of vocal capabilities. Otorrinos and speech therapists in the event also free exploration of the voice, both to professionals and all those who approached the Madrid Conservatory.

On the other hand, as part of the acts, otorrinos, foniatras and speech therapists of all Spain offered diagnoses, recommendations and free advice during the last week.

Decalogue of the voice

The correct use of the voice involves learning, according to Dr. Primitivo Ortega. Is necessary to know the mechanism of phonation and voice resources to realize own habits and correct them ”. In that regard, specialists suggest avoiding the noise of the environment, not to mention beyond our means, good use of resources vowels, maintain good hydration, sleep thing enough, avoid shouting and tensions psychological, no throat or cough forcefully, talk little in case of laryngitis and go to the specialist in the case of an alteration of the voice that lasts more than 15 days. Other suggestions to take care of the voice is the use of propolis, a substance produced by bees from products of vegetable origin to protect their hives and acts like an antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, so it is indicated to protect the throat and vocal cords.


-avoid ambient noise.
It is what most affects the voice since forced to speak with a volume exceeding that noise. On the other hand, the shouting nodules may appear and the tension a greater possibility of injury, the collapsing over the vocal cords.

-do not force the use of the voice
each person has a resistance that depends on their personal characteristics and his vocal training. When these limits are exceeded appears dysphonia and predisposition to diseases vocal. Generally speaking, you can talk about four hours a day and sing two.

-No smoking.
Tobacco smoke is the major toxic element, since besides irritation it causes dryness.

-maintain good hydration.
The vocal cords need to be well lubricated with a thin layer of mucus. To do so, the best thing is to drink at least 1.5 litres a day. On the other hand, the drinks alcoholic and caffeine reduced lubrication required by the vocal cords. A dry environment also complicates the situation, certain medications, such as antihistamines, antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs, causing dryness of the mucosa.

-enough sleep
sleep less than 6 hours causes vocal fatigue and predisposition to suffer injuries.

-avoid clarifying the throat (carraspeo) and not cough forcefully.
Safely and efficiently clear the throat is breathe as deeply as possible, keeping the breathing for a moment and producing a H ” silent and enforced while it exhales the air.

-talk little in case of laryngitis.
If not bleeding and other injuries may appear structural.

-balanced diet.
With a good general State of health is opposed greater resistance to effort vowel.

-protect the throat
the throat should be protected on the outside (especially to cold) and travelogue. Preparations of propolis from pharmaceutical dispensing help to protect themselves from viruses and bacteria.

-go to the Otolaryngologist if needed.
Voice alterations lasting more than 15 days often reflect a structural alteration in the vocal cords that can even lead to the emergence of neoplasms (glottic cancer). In these cases always there to consult with an Otolaryngologist.